Tuesday, March 27, 2007

October 3, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Yesterday was a holiday from school for the boys (Yom Kippur I think?), so we went to the zoo and had a great time, as usual. We were there most of the afternoon and so we stopped at McDonalds for dinner on the way home, and then all 3 boys fell asleep in the car! It was too good to last, though, as Brigham and Joseph woke up when we got home and I had to do the story-reading routine anyway, and then once they were in bed, Mosey woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep until I went to bed. I tried to get him to sleep and then sneak back downstairs to the computer, but he is too smart and woke right up and demanded I come back upstairs. Oh well! While we were at the zoo, we went inside a building where there were some conservation displays, and this area with large steps on two walls, made for people to sit down and watch a conservation video. We were resting our legs a bit, and then Brigham and Joseph started running around back and forth, up and down these large stairs. As they were running around me, they said, "I bet you can't tell which boy is which, mom, because we're running all mixed up around you!" Reminded me of that story of Sambo (? I think?) and the tigers who ran around and around him until they melted into butter. Earlier in the day we were on the monorail going from one area of the zoo to another, and the family sitting on the other side of the car from us (2 sisters with 6 kids between them), asked if Brigham and Joseph were twins. I said they were, and the little boy, probably the same age as Brigham and Joseph said, "Yeah, they're twins 'cuz they're wearing the same shirt!" I love hearing how little kids get cause and effect mixed up like that.
Today was back to school for the boys, and I had my newborn photoshoot. Can you believe the maternity pictures I posted yesterday were taken 6 days before she gave birth?? She was tiny. Her baby was 6 lbs 11 oz, so pretty small, but not teeny tiny. I thought the photo shoot went well, the baby was pretty coopertive, only peeing on one of my fur throws once, and then peeing on dad once and pooping on him twice!! I think they'll be happy with the pictures.
I'm telling you, though, having a perfectionist personality can be tough sometimes. I am a huge perfectionist, as anyone who knows me can attest, and I think I have been that way since I was little. Anyway, with each photo shoot that I do, I try to glean some "take home lesson," since I'm still very much starting out. I want to make sure I learn from each experience as much as I can. I so want to have a photo shoot that goes perfectly and I can't really think of some major thing I would do differently, but I haven't had that yet and it is discouraging. I don't repeat mistakes too much, but I keep making new ones! My huge mistake today was combining natural light with some of my studio lighting. Now I KNOW you are not supposed to use different temperature light sources, I've read that in multiple places. But I thought if I did a custom white balance (a take home lesson from a photoshoot I did back in May), then I could get around this problem. Other times when I've done shoots in people's homes, I have trouble getting good lighting. This house had pretty good natural light, but I brought one of my small chinese lanterns to use as my key light. So anyway, the upshot is that I'm having major problems with color balance. My studio lights have a much, much warmer color temperature than natural light, so the main-light side of the baby is nice and warm (color wise), and the back (fill light) side is really, really cool. I am so annoyed that I didn't realize this would happen. It would have been easy to avoid, too. Oh well. I'll attach a picture from the ones I've proofed so far, and you'll have to tell me if it is obvious. I'm thinking most people won't even notice, but to me it is pretty glaring and just gives me a knot in my stomach.
Oh well!!!!! Eventually maybe I'll be perfect, right??
Mosey went to the Curtises house while I was taking pictures, and he had a really good time. I really need to get him out to play with other kids while the big boys are in school. He was so excited to go, it made me feel bad that I'm so boring!
Well, I had a big thing I was going to say about the Amish shooting, but I'm too emotionally tired now to think about it. It just makes me so sad that there is such badness in the world. And so disgusted that the major societal response seems to be to call for a congressional sumit on school security. So now 1 room Amish school houses need guards? Whatever. How about having real dialogue about good and evil, the importance of parents teaching their children right from wrong and to have empathy for others? Not that the lack of these things is necessarily the cause of this particular incident, but it seems to me that each of us thinking about these issues and really evaluating how we are doing with our own children would be a far more effective and rational response than a congressional summit on school security. Oh well. I've just recently been getting pretty jaded about our society right now and I've been thinking that maybe the Amish have got it right, and then this happens. Not even the Amish can be spared this stuff.
Ok, well on that pleasant note, off to bed I go. Have a great Wednesday everyone!

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