Thursday, March 29, 2007

March 11, 2007

Dear Everyone,
A quick note for a thunderstorming Sunday evening. Did your alarm clock feel extra-early this morning? It sure did to us. We were a little late for church as a result, but made it in time for Sacrament, so that was good. Joseph is sick today. Actually it started yesterday with a fever and a cough-- I'm sure the same thing Brigham had a week and a half ago. He probably should have stayed home from church, but Ben and I both had to teach, so he just came in his PJ's and brought his pillow and blanket and just stayed with me the whole time.
I decided to play the piano for Young Women opening exercises today, which was pathetic, really. I'm supposed to call girls each week to play the opening song, so I figured I would do it myself to show them that I'm not above doing it myself, and also I knew how bad I'd be so I figured it would make them feel better. I actually practiced a lot last night, and chose the easiest song I could find (Keep the Commandments), and got it down ok. The introduction was fine, but when the girls started singing, if I missed a note I couldnt' correct it, I had to keep on going and it was really hard! I ended up pretty confused and only playing the left hand for a measure, then the right hand, and the last chord was totally wrong. Ack! To my defense, it was my first time EVER accompanying. Ben was pretty shocked I'd never accompanied before, but I told him that Rosalynde was always much better than I was, so at home she was the one accompanying, and at church Missy Thatcher was way better at accompanying, so she was the one who did it there. But my sneaky scheme worked and when I passed around my piano-playing sign-up sheet, it got filled all the way through May. I told them if I could do it, anyone could, and that whoever accompanied would get a Symphony bar as a reward for her service.
I also substituted for the MiaMaid advisor and taught a lesson on being a peacemaker in the home. Joseph was with me during all of this and on the way home when I asked him how I did on the piano, he said, "Bad," and then when I asked how I did on my lesson, he said, "Good," so it must have gone over pretty well. I think of all the age levels, I feel the most comfortable and satisfied teaching the Young Women.

This afternoon we just had a quiet day inside. It started to rain and Joseph was sick and I was tired, so we watched a movie (Saints and Soldiers), and then I took a nap. It was nice. Well, the movie wasn't exactly "nice," it was fairly violent and sad, but it also was really really good and I enjoyed it a lot.
Tonight Ben took Brigham to a missionary fairwell open house and Mosey and Joseph and I stayed home and watched Extreme Home Makeover. And now Mosey is asleep, Joseph's passed out on the couch, and Ben is finishing getting Brigham in bed, so all is well. I have 30 minutes to waste on the computer and then I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is the start of the boys' spring break, so we'll have to come up with something fun to do, if Joseph is feeling any better

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