Tuesday, March 27, 2007

August 16, 2006

Hey all,
My hand is healing a bit, but typing is still a little hard.
The boys are loving school, and I've gotten a lot done during the day which is doubly nice.
We've been riding our bikes to school and back (the boys on their bigwheels), which is pretty fun and everyone seems to think it is hilarious to see my little guys trekking along on their bigwheels. Yesterday (the first day of school), I rode over to get them, and RIGHT at 2:00 (school ends at 2), the skies opened up with an enormous thunderstorm and we were as soaked as soaked could be on the ride home. We could not have been any wetter had we jumped into a pool, backpacks, bikes, and all. But the boys thought it was pretty fun, even Mosey on the back of my bike.
I've been pretty busy with photography stuff, and tonight I updated my website. I really really need some older kids to photograph, though, because all those pictures are from a year ago, and are obviously of the same two kids. Oh well. If you are interested the site is http://www.heartscenesphotography.com/.
Ok, off to bed. Up too late tonight. I'll give a more in-depth report on life in general tomorrow.
Here's some pictures of the boys' first day of school.
Joseph looks so much taller than Brigham here. He's only an inch taller, but I think he looks taller because he's standing in front of Brigham and I'm using such a wide angle lens, it exaggerates the difference.
Showing off their Spiderman and Batman backpacks!
Yes! School is starting!!
Brigham's too busy thinking about his first day of Kindergarten to look at me!
Riding down the sidewalk on the way to school.
Speeding down the sidewalk like gangbusters!
Ready to go into Mrs. Mendoza's classroom.
Joseph ready to go into Mrs. Vitale's classroom! And Mosey in his bike helmet (he rides in a child seat on the back of my bike), ready for a fun day with JUST mom!

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