Thursday, March 29, 2007

January 19, 2007

Hey all,
The boys are back in school as of 10:00 AM yesterday, when it finally got above freezing!! Thank goodness. I now know why most houses in cold states have basements-- some place to send the kids when it is too cold to go outside! We were all sort of at each other's throats by the end there. Too icy and cold to go outside, and the boys are just not used to spending so much time inside. But it got up to about 39 yesterday, and in the 40's today, and hopefully by next week back up to the 60's. I'm such a wimp in cold weather, I just HATE it! But I really hate super hot weather too, so I guess I'm just never satisfied. All day long yesterday ice was falling from the trees, powerlines, houses, etc. Walking out to the car was a little scary because just about our whole front yard is overhung with huge live oak trees, and pieces of ice were constantly falling, some of them pretty big! But today almost all the ice is melted, so that is good.
Yesterday was not such a good day for me. I totally lost it with Joseph twice-- once before school once after school, and both times I was provoked, yes, but my response was uncalled for. I'm not much of a spanker, but I did yell at him and it wasn't fair of me. So last night I determined that we need the spirit in our house a bit more than we already have. So I instituted dinner-time scripture reading (we've mostly just been doing scripture stories at bedtime), and family prayer morning and night. This morning was MUCH better and I read up online about how to deal with some of the issues I've been having with Joseph and I feel much better equipped now. I'm making a new responsibility chart this afternoon which will probably help things as well.
Mosey remembered about his Blues Clues videos this morning, so he's been watching Blues Clues while I worked on editing the family picture we took over Christmas. It is SO hard to get everyone IN the same picture, let alone looking good in the same picture! I did several head swaps (and a whole body swap for me-- I am so vain), inserted Abraham who was not there at the time, and other bits of cloning cleaning up work. I think it looks pretty good! I'll attach it at the bottom here.
The boys have been playing a lot with the Magnetix they got for Christmas. I ended up buying more at Walmart yesterday because there really weren't enough for 3 boys to play with them. THey are pretty cool, but I've been stepping on those little metal balls all day! Brigham and Joseph are both pretty good at making cool little designs! Mosey mostly just likes to stick a whole bunch of them together and then walk around the house with them, making the bigger boys mad (since he's not really *playing* with them, and they'd like to!). But Mosey HAS been playing a lot with his assortment of animals-- both his puppy and kitty cat from his birthday, and the plastic animals he got for Christmas. He made a very interesting coral type thing with legos and his animals. Then he stuffed all the legos and animals into a big bag and carried those around the house for a while... :-)
Yesterday Mosey and I went to a "lunch bunch" get-together for Relief Society. It is one of my ward's RS small groups, and it was fun! I guess once a month they get together at different area restaurants. So we braved the ice and drove down past the Travis Lake Dam (has a name, can't remember it) and had lunch at the Hill Country Pasta House. It's always intimidating for me to go and introduce myself to new people, but there's no other way to do it other than just to dive in. I haven't met any kindred spirits yet, but it was a good start I suppose.
Ok, I'm going to get lunch for Mosey and me now. Have a fun weekend everyone!

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