Tuesday, March 27, 2007

October 23, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Things have been pretty crazy around here.
Ben got back from his business trip late last Wednesday night, and we decided we needed to go to Austin over the weekend, so Thursday was frantically spent trying to get babysitters, plane tickets, laundry done, house cleaned, etc.
The reason we needed to go to Austin is that Ben is probably going to be accepting a new job there, meaning a relocation in the next several weeks.
Initially his current boss counteroffered with the potential opportunity to open an office in California, which was extremely tempting, but now it looks like that offer may not be extended after all, so Texas here we come!
It provides a nice bit of symmetry, really. Since we've been married, we have lived in Denver (where neither of us had lived), Utah, where Ben grew up, California, where I grew up, Florida, where Ben spent two years, and now probably Texas, where I spent two years.
Moving will be a huge pain, of course, and pulling up roots and moving again won't be any easier. But at least when we drove around Austin it looked like a beautiful city and a good place to raise a family. So we'll see. I'll keep you all updated.

The boys did very well while we were gone. We sort of had a tag-team of babysitters, but it worked out well and everything was in good order when I came back, save for a few additional marker decorations here and there.

Ben and I had a great time in Austin. We drove around several areas of town where we could potentially live. We ate at a few different Austin classics, went to Lake Travis, and had a good visit with our friends Eddie and Nikki who live there.

On our last night, by sheer providence, Ben went to check his email, and decided to check his itinerary for the business trip to Bermuda scheduled for this week. He discovered that instead of a Monday morning flight that he thought he had, he actually had a Sunday morning flight. Which he obviously couldn't make since it was already 8:00 PM Saturday night, and no more flights to Florida at all that night. He went into a bit of a panic, but thank goodness it all worked out. He changed his flight in the morning to the earliest possible, so he arrived in Miami at 1:00 PM (had to change airlines and airports, too, $$, but oh well). Our good friends the Curtises had gone to our house and packed some clothes, shoes, and his laptop, and then met him at the Miami airport to give him those things, and then he hopped on a 4 PM flight to Bermuda and made it there by 8:00 that night. What a long day for him.

But now he is enjoying Bermuda (as much as you can when you are stuck all day in negotiations with reinsurers) and is scheduled to come home tomorrow night. It has been a week and a half now since the boys have seen more than a few minutes of their dad, and I know everyone involved is anxious for him to get home.
One big benefit of the Austin job is no more business trips.

I got a new lens in the mail today, yay! I really *needed* it, you know, and I felt a bit less guilty for buying it when Ben had his little flight scheduling mishap... :-) So this afternoon I played around with it and I am very happy. I can shoot in full shade at ISO 100 with a more than decent shutter speed, since the aperture opens up all the way to 1.4. Tricky focusing at that wide an aperture, but a lot of the shots I made were sharp, so I'm happy. I have another newborn shoot on Wednesday and I'm excited to use this lens.

Mosey appears to be sick. Joseph had a croupy cough last week, and had one bad night, but otherwise wasn't too sick. But now Mosey is stuffed up and a little feverish, and will only sleep on my lap (again making computer work just a little tricky, but at least he isn't kicking the keyboard). I hope he gets better soon and that it ends with him!

The boys also got their school pictures back, and let me tell you, looking at them makes me glad I'm a photographer! I actually love them because they both have just the weirdest expressions! Brigham is a funny one and it's a little tricky to get him to look natural or happy in photos, but Joseph was just a little ornery during the picture taking. He told me the lady told him to say "bananas," but he doesn't like bananas, so he wouldn't say it. Then she told him to say "boo," but he didn't want to say that either so he just didn't say anything. And his expression looks just exactly as you might expect, given the circumstances. So anyway, it was satisfying to get some nice pictures of both of them this afternoon. I need to work on Mosey a bit, though, he really likes saying "cheese" for the camera, and that's not really the look I'm normally going for! Silly boy.

Ok, off to bed for me. I have a feeling it might be a long night with a sick boy, and it's already too late for me. Here are some of the pictures I took. Do you like color or black and white?

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

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