Thursday, March 29, 2007

January 8, 2007

Hey All,
I thought I'd write a quick note right now since I think today will be a long and busy day and I'll most likely be pretty tired tonight.
First day at church was yesterday, which went fine. Mosey is now the oldest in the nursery, but he still loves it. There are LOTS of little kids in the nursery. The boys actually have 2 girls in their class! What a novelty. I enjoyed the meetings, especially Sunday School. The teacher looks just like our friend Glenn Curtis from Florida, they could be brothers! Everyone was friendly, one woman (turns out she works at the boys' school) showed me to Relief Society, sat by me and introduced me. Really nice! So it all seems good so far.
After church we drove to Lake Travis (the humongous lake west of the city), which was a big hit. It is closer than we thought-- probably less than a 10 minute drive to a wonderful park (free, even better!) with a trail that leads up a river with great places to climb and throw rocks in the river, etc. I'm sure we'll be going there a lot.
I spent a few hours last night searching for a locating all the paperwork I needed to get the boys registered at school. I don't like paperwork! But I got it done and they are in school this morning. THey almost couldn't start, because the one thing I couldn't find-- immunization records, were one thing they HAD to have before the boys could go to their classrooms. But their old school faxed over the records and the boys were able to start class just a few minutes late. They were excited and will do just fine. I'm the one who is so emotional about this stuff. I about started crying when I thought maybe they wouldn't get to start today. I don't know why, I guess it is just tough as a mom to pack up your kids' stuff and send them off to a totally strange place. So I get all emotionally ready to do this, and then when it seems maybe they won't be going and we'll have to do the first- day-of-school thing all over again tomorrow, it was just a little much. But it worked out. It is a nice school, the office ladies are really nice and their teachers seem nice. Joseph's teacher is very very young which I hope will be a good thing. I was just so impressed with their teachers at Embassy Creek, it seems impossible that we'll get such great teachers here, but that's probably just my anxiety speaking. Their teachers at Embassy Creek were a little older-- probably later 30's?, and they were just so good with the kids. Patient and mature and obviously experienced. But anyway, I have to keep reminding myself it is just Kindergarten and they will be fine.
Mosey has decided he is a kitty-cat. He spends much of the day meowing instead of talking. He will crawl on his hands and knees until I tell him he needs to walk on his two kitty-cat feet. When he needs something he will tell me, "Mom, I think this kitty cat needs to go pee." Or, "This kitty cat is hungry for peanut butter sandwhiches." It's pretty cute! Brigham tries to talk Mosey out of being a kitty cat, telling him he is really just a boy, but Mosey will not be dissuaded. "No! Mosey is a kitty cat!" He doesn't always refer to himself in the 3rd person, but I guess that's just part of his kitty-cat alter-ego.
Brigham is starting to notice the distinct Texas culture. Yesterday on the way home from church he asked us, "Why do people in Texas think everything is big?" I'm not sure exactly where he got this from, but it made us laugh-- everything IS bigger in Texas!
The boys are enjoying the rolling hills around here. They like to yell out "wheeee!" when we go down a hill. Mosey says, "They are not hills, mom, they are slides!"
I haven't done much unpacking yet. Some kitchen stuff so I could cook dinner last night. Today I hope to get some unpacking done. I do still need to get out to Lowes which I'll probably do in a few minutes, and then try to get some good work done before it's time to pick up the boys from school. The boys are happy to be car-riders. Too far to ride bikes, too many steep hills, and WAY to cold! We could see our breath this morning which is very rare in Florida! It's been nice, though. Cold, but sunny and beautiful.
Ok, nothing more interesting to report for now. I miss everyone!

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