Tuesday, March 27, 2007

July 31, 2006

Hey Everyone,
Quick letter tonight. Lots to write about, but it is too late, really. This last weekend I hosted a baby shower for my friend due with her baby girl next month. It was lots of fun and turned out great, but as usual lots of work. I was up till 4 AM the morning of trying to get things finished. At the last minute I decided this shower was a good reason to finally recover the horrid cornices above my living room windows (the ones that were purple velour), and I like the new fabric much more. It took a long time, though, and now I am motivated to get that room painted. It is the last vestiges of peach in the house, and I'm itching to eradicate it. I also got 2 area rugs at Walmart to hide the stained ugly carpet in there, and it made a big difference. The rugs I got are a deep red color, which is nice, but it reflects red onto the already peach walls, making the room look totally pink! Ack! Oh well, it still looks better than it did.
It was sort of a sad weekend, though, because our friends the Winstons moved away. Lauren's daughter Alyssa is 2 weeks older than Moses (her due date was Mosey's actual birthday), and they played pretty good together! Lauren is scared because she is Brazilian and isn't too likely to find many other Brazilians in Dallas. I hope their new ward will be nice to them.
The latest on Ben's dad is that he is conscious, but still on the ventilator. He's also developed pneumonia, which is not uncommon for people on ventilators for extended lengths of time, but it can be very scary. Ben's been really worried, but apparently Kent is fairly stable despite the pneumonia. He's still in the ICU. Ben also found out that he broke 5 ribs in addition to all his other injuries. The boys have been working on pictures to send to Grandpa in the hospital.
Brigham, as many of you know, has a deep interest in "treasures," and has recently started to dress up in his pirate costume most of the time. He got a pirate eye patch at some point, and made himself earrings out of construction paper that he tapes onto his ears, and a gold medallian (also out of construction paper) that he wears on a black yarn "chain" around his neck. And of course his "treasure box" goes everywhere he does. Ahoy there, mateys!!
Last week Joseph wrote his first note all by himself. He likes to write and will often ask me how to spell things, but this time he had done something to Mosey (can't remember what) and earned himself a time out. When he came out, he had written a note for Mosey reading "Im sore," which phonetically spells "I'm sorry." I thought it was very sweet, and have saved it for his scrapbook.
Mosey has been doing very well sleeping in his own room. He just needs a few songs (he LOVES "how much is that doggy in the window" and will chime in on the "woof woof!" parts between each line), and a whole array of stuffed animals (the list grows each day), and he is good to go. His obsession with Blues Clues continues, and it is generally the first thing he asks for when he wakes up, even before breakfast. "Can I watch Blues Clues mom?" On Sunday morning all the boys got involved in a Blues Clues pretend game, and they taped paw prints that they drew on the walls in various parts of the house, and "skidoo'd" in and out of them. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you must not be a parent of a preschooler...
Ok, that's it for tonight. I'm annoyed at myself because I meant to go jogging (have on my jogging clothes and everything), but spent too long on the computer and now it's too late. Oh well. I will go to the gym in the morning for SURE.

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