Thursday, March 29, 2007

January 20, 2007

Hello everyone,
Well I, for one, am ready for a break in this cold, grey, drizzly weather! I think things will clear up tomorrow, but today has been a very gloomy day. This morning we went to downtown Austin to pick up a couple of lamps I bought off Craigslist, and then we drove around the capitol building trying to figure out how to get in to take a tour. I guess there is a way, but we couldn't find the visitor parking and all the entrances were blocked by police cars. We thought maybe it was closed to the public because the state representatives are in session right now. Later we found they are still open, but we weren't smart enough to figure out where to go. Oh well! Instead we went to the Texas history museum which was very interesting, since we don't know much about state history here. I think the boys found it far less interesting than Ben and me, but they were still well behaved (after a small incident at the beginning-- Joseph was mad because we missed the Imax movie we wanted to watch, and so he decided to act up by climbing INTO some of the exhibits. Ben took him out and later on he thought better of his actions and came back and was an angel the rest of the time). We wanted to see the Imax movie about Texas, but they only play it at 10:00. Happy Feet was playing several times during the day but i refuse to take my kids to see it, much to their dismay. After the museum we at lunch at the museum cafe and then took a scenic tour home. West Austin is extremely beautiful. No one would ever guess it is Texas!
Last night I was reading Mosey stories before bed, and I got out the "Baby's first Bible" book with very simple bible stories. He was totally thrilled with the story of baby Moses, it was so cute. He is also pretty sure his first name is Mosey and his middle name is Moses. He won't believe me that his middle name is Benjamin. Later when we got to the story of baby Jesus and I pointed out Mary and Joseph, he said, "No, mom, that's not Joseph, that's Brigham!" I got another chuckle out of that. I guess that's what you get when you name your kids bible names.
We have decided to try to burn all our used up cardboard boxes. We originally got them from the back of the grocery store and dollar store, and after this move they really aren't fit for further use. I don't think they do bulk trash days around here, and we don't really feel like figuring out where to haul them. Our house has a wood-burning fireplace so today we burned several of the boxes in the fireplace. The boys thought it was fascinating. I hope we're not breeding some pyromaniacs. We asserted several times the number one rule about fires is that you should NEVER play with matches or try to start a fire without mom or dad there to supervise. Joseph enjoyed running outside a few times to watch the smoke come out of the chimney. Having a fireplace and chimney is pretty cool for these boys!
Ok, here is another picture from Christmas, this time Mama and Daddy with all the grandkids. For now anyway. Brigham and Christine, any signs of Lucy arriving soon? I'm thinking of you daily!

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