Monday, November 09, 2009


Three things I'm saying "Ugh!" about these days (No, not the three boys above, at least, not too much! Those pictures are just for fun.):

1. We discovered that the hall bathroom sink has been leaking. Specifically the U-pipe under the sink. The water dripped onto the bottom of the cabinet, and instead of leaking out the front of the cabinet, somehow made it's way down under the cabinet to the concrete slab below. From there, it seeped under the wall into my closet. We didn't realize this until I realized the carpet on the floor of my closet was inexplicably wet. Anyway, the bottom of the cabinet was totally soaked, and the particle board was just crumbling away. Ben removed it and set up a bunch of fans in my closet to hopefully dry out the water. However, I have a feeling this might end up being a little more involved than all of that...
I'm reminded of when Brigham and Joseph were about 2.5. Brigham flushed a whole bunch of things down the master bathroom toilet (medicine bottles, bandaids, basically anything he could grab from the bathroom drawers). I fished as much as I could out, and hired a couple of plumbers to try to snake the rest out. However they were ultimately unsuccessful, and water ended up backing up from the shower and soaking the carpet in the bedroom and hall. The plumbing guys ended up having to jackhammer a hole through our concrete patio on the side of our house, down underneath our house, and up through the slab to get access to the pipes under the bathroom floor. It was a very expensive little plumbing mishap.
The insurance company sent out "Service Master Pros" to pull up the carpet, take out the baseboards, and set up industrial fans to dry everything out. Last year, Ben started getting harassing phone calls from a collection agency trying to collect $1800 from us. It was bogus, though, since we never got a bill from them, and didn't even hire them. The insurance company set the whole thing up when the repairs were made, and we paid our deductible, and that was that. Not only that, but the statue of limitations has already passed, so these guys were pretty much out of luck.
Anyway, hopefully this will be a little less traumatic than that.

2. I lost 51 pictures. I apparently neglected to upload all the photos that Ben took on my birthday. He took a bunch of pictures of me and my boys as part of their gift to me. (His approach to photography is the shotgun approach-- take enough pictures and hopefully a few of them will turn out-- hence the 51 shots). Anyway, I uploaded all the pictures before and after those birthday shots, but not the birthday shots. On Saturday I took some family pictures for some friends, and when I filled up my card, I popped in another one. I quickly checked to make sure I could delete anything on it, and saw the pictures before and after the birthday shots, which I knew for sure I had uploaded, so I blithely deleted all of them. Then I came home and searched and searched for those lost birthday pictures with no luck. Ugh. I'm glad there were no other pictures lost, but darn it, I have precious few pictures of me with my boys!!!

3. Ben cut his foot a couple of weeks ago when he was outside staining our fence. He stepped on a piece of brick and made a small puncture in the arch of his foot. He thought nothing of it until the next day at church when it started to really throb. After Sacrament meeting, he took off his shoe and sock so I could take a look. It was swollen and pussy (sorry), and there were red streaks running up his foot. I knew that was bad news. After a quick consult with our R.S. President who is also a physician, I sent him off to the Urgent Care. They lanced it, cleaned it all up, and sent him home with a prescription for Bactrim. Then at church yesterday Ben leaned over during Sacrament meeting and told me his foot was hurting again. I asked him if he had been taking the medicine, and he said, "Sort of..." Ugh! Men! Anyway, I looked at it, and it's not infected again, luckily, but still! Ugh! :-)

Oh, yeah, just thought of a 4th "ugh."
4. I have 5 loads of clean laundry getting wrinkled in laundry baskets in my room, and no time in the foreseeable future to actually fold and put it all away. It's gonna have to be sometime in the next day or two, because the laundry never stops... Putting away laundry is my nemesis. Ugh!


Jen said...

I hope your leak isn't a big problem to fix...that kind of this is no fun to figure out.

Bummer about the pictures! You'll have to get Ben to take more for your to replace the ones you lost.

Jason is the same way with taking care of himself. It's amazing he isn't falling apart.

I seem to ALWAYS have at least a couple loads of laundry living in baskets in my room...I need a folding helper for sure.

Mama said...

If I lived next door, you would NEVER have to worry about that chore ever again... Maybe someday. I have vivid memories of that horrendous plumbing nightmare in your Simi Valley home. There are some nice things about not having toddlers around anymore :)