Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rope Swing

Mosey is a lot like Joseph. I think that he and Joseph may be more alike in personality (and certainly appearance) than Joseph and Brigham! (A fact that does not go unnoticed by Brigham, who tells me sometimes he feels left out. This is why I always thought that an ideal family size would be 4 or more children. 1 is lonely, 2 will fight, with 3 one will be left out, but with 4, everyone will probably have an ally.)
Anyway, one of the ways in which Mosey and Joseph are alike is their mutual obsession with the rope swing. I believe we are on swing #3 in that tree in the back yard. My boys swing on it until the plastic literally falls apart. If I can't find Joseph or Moses, 90% of the time I just need to look out the back door and there he is. Brigham likes it too, but if I can't find him, 90% of the time he'll be tucked away somewhere drawing.
I read somewhere that swinging is actually considered therapy for certain types of childhood behavioral disorders. I don't think my kids are particularly disordered (at least, no more than normal!), but the swing really calms them down. And our swing is in the perfect location-- just off the edge of the deck, so the boys can grab the swing and jump off the side of the deck and go swinging through the air. It looks fun, I wish I could try it!

1 comment:

Mama said...

Swinging is like getting to climb back into the cradle for a few moments. All our cares melt away and we are infants again, cradled by our Heavenly Mother. At least that's the way it feels to me. As long as I don't swing too long or high :) Mosey looks more like Joseph every time I see another picture. I never really saw it before.