Sunday, November 01, 2009


Last week was absolutely insane. I spent a lot of hours sewing Halloween costumes. Like, a whole lot. I stayed up all night Tuesday night /Wednesday morning. Then Friday morning I was up until 6:30, and slept until 9:30. Was it time well spent? I'm not sure. But the boys loved their costumes, and I think they will always remember them, so maybe it was. Mosey was especially thrilled. He is a wolf, although he was more often mistaken for a mouse. Oh well. Ben said he growled "TRICK OR TREAT" in his fiercest wolf growl, and that it was really cute. And he also bragged to everyone that his mom made his costume, so that was good. I think he wore it for about 4 days straight.
The boys had lots of occasions to wear their costumes, thank goodness! The big boys had their Halloween piano recital. Wednesday night was the fall festival at the church. Friday afternoon was the big homeschool parkday Halloween party. Friday night Ben took the boys and crashed Cedar Park/Cypress Creek wards' Trunk-or-treat (since our ward didn't have one and the boys really wanted to go). Saturday, of course was Halloween.
Anyway. November is here, and here are a couple of pictures from the trick-or-treaters. I have more pictures, but no more time to upload them right now. I hope tomorrow.

What do you think? Joseph was a sorcerer, Brigham was a union soldier (he designed the costume himself, complete with drawings. I adapted another pattern I had and he picked out all the accessories like the gold buttons and braids and stuff), and Mosey was of course a wolf. Ben was a "math wizard" and wore long wizards robes which he decorated with construction-paper math equations while he was at work. He had a wizard's hat, too, but is not wearing it in the picture. He was a judge for some sort of costume contest at work, I think, so he needed to show up with a costume. Last year he wore his "This is my costume" t-shirt, and he actually got a talking-to because it was on a Friday which is casual workday at his office, but all shirts still have to have collars. Dumb, right?
I wanted to make myself a costume, but had no time. Brigham told me, "You deserve a costume, too, mom!" But, really, I'm ok if I don't pull my sewing machine out again for several more months...


Amy F said...

WOW!!! You were a busy woman... I can't believe Brigham's costume. He looks so good!

You DO deserve a costume... sewn by somebody ELSE!!!

Glad they had a good time... and those are memories they will treasure.

Christian Jacob Frandsen said...

I can't believe Brigham asked to be a Union soldier and designed his costume. I don't know any other eight year olds that would ask that besides one of your boys. Those costumes look so great. Well done :-)

Mama said...

Gabrielle, by that act alone, you have earned the Mother of the Year award!! The costumes are amazing and YES, your kids will always remember how much their mother sacrificed for them, even if they can't possibly appreciate it right now! Now take it easy this week! Love, Mama

libby said...

Everyone has said it already, but wow! You are amazing! I especially love the union soldier. Now go push the sewing machine under the bed and take a nap. Or two.

Rosalynde said...

Oh my goodness! What an effort. Last year I sewed Elena a darling Red Riding Hood cape, which then sat in the closet all year long. This year I knew I wasn't going to sew, but I also wasn't going to buy anything (new) for the kids. So they all put together their own costumes from our dress-up box, and I bought one or two items from a thrift store that they requested. We had: a scientist, an archaeologist, a rhinoceros (Mara repeated last year), and a sock monkey.

eva_k_f said...

wow, gabrielle, absolutely herculean! and i think Brigham probably knows more about civil war soldiers than most high schoolers know, based on his costume. and they are all SO CUTE!!! i'm totally in awe of everything!