Thursday, November 12, 2009

Photography 101

These photos are apropos of nothing. I just didn't want to post without pictures! These are from a couple of months ago when we went to see the bats fly out from the Congress Street bridge.

Brigham is giving me bat ears.

Here are the bats! Slower shutter speed...

...and faster shutter speed. They are very cool animals.

I taught a Basic Photography workshop tonight for a Relief Society activity. I hope I was coherent! I spent quite a bit of time writing the outline, and then choosing and printing photos to illustrate the points I was making. Someday when I have time I'll integrate the photos into the text. But for now, I uploaded my handout to Google Documents and you can find it here, in case anyone is interested! The format is a bit wonky, but the text is all there.

Today was a pretty good day, despite the 3.5 hours of sleep I got last night. I am DONE with staying up too late. The last few weeks with Halloween costumes, and massive desk reorganizations and Relief Society activities, etc., have been pretty bad on my sleep schedule. However, it's kind of cool that I still *can* do it, because a couple of years ago I never would have been able to. M.S. flares made me so exhausted, 9 or even 10 hours of sleep still wouldn't be enough. So even though I know it's not good for me, it is so nice to be free of that aspect of M.S.

I took the boys to McDonalds for lunch to play at the play place, something we haven't done for a very long time-- more than a year at least. I used to take them more often, when they were little and I was always looking for places to take them out of the house where they could burn off energy without destroying my house. It's so amazing to me how big they are all getting, now. In another year or two, the twins probably won't even be much interested in the McDonald's play place.

Well, time to put this disjointed blog post to bed, which is where I'll be going in about 30 seconds!


Jen said...

Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to have a few uninterrupted minutes to read through it. BTW are you a Canon or a Nikon girl? Why?

Mama said...

I'm so glad you got some sleep last night!!!! And so glad the photo workshop went well. By the way, you NEVER need to have a "reason" to post pictures as far as I'm concerned :) I love them all!