Friday, November 20, 2009

Duel of the Turner boys

This is what the boys did today on a gloomy drizzly gray November afternoon. Looks like fun, huh?
My boys really want it to be fall. And it has been a little cool the past few days, so the boys excitedly pulled out sweaters and jackets. But don't let that fool you-- look at Mosey's bare feet! This is one of the reasons I love Austin.
Sometimes I'm just amazed at how *boy like* my boys are! :-)


Rami said...

I could not find this on your blog - but did you ever get insurance approval for your transplant? If so, was it through United Health Care? I'm fighting that battle as we speak.


Rami Amaro

Rachel said...

Gabrielle, I'm thinking about Brigham charging Mosey right now, and it's making me laugh out loud. That's the best thing I've seen all week.

Amy F said...

This is so funny... especially since I grew up with 5 younger brothers. So funny the things they pretend!

I love the calm expressions between duels, and the interactions with Mosey. They are good boys.