Thursday, June 07, 2012


1.  The day started with me attempting to wake up Mosey for scout camp.  He was up entirely too late the night before, and that added to the tiring day in the sun on his first day at camp made for a very sleepy boy.  6:15 came very, very early.  I had his lunch made the day before, so all he needed to do was get up, get dressed, put on sun screen, and grab a bagel to eat on the ride up to camp.  But the boy would not wake up!  And I couldn't get upstairs to wake him up!  Finally, all my calling woke up Joseph who then woke up Mosey who then came downstairs VERY reluctantly, moved at a snail's pace, couldn't find his shirt, and ended up making his ride wait for 5 minutes while we frantically searched for (and found) his shirt, slathered on sunscreen, and pushed his lunch and his breakfast into his hands as he ran out the door.  Whew!  It made me remember one of the great things about homeschooling-- no crazy mornings!  I remember too well trying to wake up the twins for school.  It was a bad way to start the day-- yelling at them to come downstairs, hurrying them through breakfast, getting after them when they inevitably couldn't find their backpacks or their shoes or the lunchbox that had been in their hands 2 minutes ago, or all three.  :-)

2.  It was odd having only 2 boys at home.  Very quiet!  I guess we know who generates a lot of the noise around here.  :-)  The boys have decided to put off their final week of school until next week when Mosey is back, so this has been a summer-vacation preview.  And they better enjoy it, because when the real thing comes, I'm going to be a lot stricter.  Entirely too many minutes were spent in front of the computer.  But, they also did practicing and a lot of reading, we went to the library, and Brigham had violin lessons, so it wasn't a total wash.

3.  When Ben came home from work, he and Joseph and Sandy went running.  I can't remember if I wrote last week how Joseph ran six miles with Ben!  Wow!  I don't think he was running the entire time, but still I was very impressed with him.  And wistful, too, since I had so looked forward to the day when my boys would be big enough to go running with me...  In the meantime, Brigham and Mosey played chess in the backyard.  Brigham is a great chess player, so when Mosey won, he was SO excited, and ran inside to tell me all about it.  I have a feeling that Brigham might have assisted with Mosey's victory.  Which was nice, but also in his best interest, since Brigham loves to play, and Joseph won't ever play with him, since Brigham always wins.  So giving Mosey a taste of victory now and again will probably serve to keep him coming back for more, which means more chess for Brigham.  Sneaky!

4.  In an effort to avoid the morning's drama in getting Mosey ready and off to camp, I had him sleep in my room.  He was so tired and fell asleep in about 2 minutes, almost unheard of for my night-owl.

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