Saturday, April 21, 2012


1.  Blogger has changed their interface.  I don't like it. 

2.  Friday!  Fairly good day school-wise.  Interesting discussion with the boys about FDR's new deal and social security.  Brigham is more vehemently right-wing than I am.  :-)  I'm trying to help him have a little more nuanced view on things, but I'm glad he's developing his own personal political values.  We're reading "Cheaper by the Dozen" as one of our read-aloud's.  I read this as a kid, but it's so much better reading it as an adult!  What a great book.  I wish I had 12 kids so I could make them listen to Rosetta Stone French while brushing their teeth.  :-)  Growing up in a large family was probably the best part of my childhood, and I'll probably always regret the fact that I could not provide that for my own children.  I wonder what they will say was the best part of their childhood? 

3.  Mosey had his belt ceremony tonight.  He brought Yellow with him to sit next to my purse on the floor to watch him get his new belt.  Yellow was also very proud of him.  :-)  Now Mosey's a level three green belt.  Yay Mosey!  He went to the ceremony with his hair freshly slicked back, and got lots of admiring comments about it.  :-)  (Oh, and I found a great way of making Joseph quit messing around with Mosey's hair-- I told him if he did it again, Dad would make him go to church on Sunday with *his* hair slicked back.  :-))  I have, however, had to put a limit on how much hair gel he can put in his hair every day.  I've told him all he needs to do is get his hair wet and the previously applied product will reactivate until he washes his hair, but he doesn't believe me.  Anyway, after the belt ceremony we went to Dairy Queen with his friend Natasha, who just got her black belt, and her parents and baby sister.  Mosey splurged and got an ice cream cone AND a blue raspberry slushy. 

4.  Meanwhile, Joseph and Brigham and Sandy went with some friends to explore down by Bull Creek.  I tried to go meet up with them after we were done at DQ, but instead managed to drive around for 35 minutes, not finding them.  By the time I finally figure it out, it was dark and they were headed home anyway.  Oh well.  Everyone ended up meeting back at our house for pizza and playing.  6 boys (8-10 years old), and one little girl.  The boys were sure LOUD!  :-)  Immediately there were two games of Tanki Online going on, pounding up and down the stairs, and everyone having a good time.  I like our house to be the "hang out" house.  Then I don't have to go anywhere.  :-) 

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