Saturday, March 31, 2012


1.  I was sooo tired on Thursday (which is why this daily update is a couple of days late).  I've been living on 4-5 hours of sleep for too many days in a row.  My curse is that I get my second wind around 10:00 at night and I don't get tired.  I could easily stay up all night.  Of course the next day around 1:00 PM I get so drowsy I start babbling nonsense while reading to my kids.  :-)  But I was so tired on Thursday I actually went to bed at the same time as the boys!  And slept for 9 hours straight, which I haven't done in I don't know how long. 

2.  Tiredness notwithstanding, it was a typical Thursday.  Practicing, schoolwork, art group in the afternoon, cello lessons in the evening.  Ben left for Miami in the afternoon on business and won't be back until Tuesday morning, so I'm on my own for now.  He texted me when he landed in Orlando saying, "I'm in Orlando.  I've seen a lot of gold chains, so I know I'm in Florida."  Ha ha!  So true.  But he only got one dirty look driving in on 595, so that's not bad.  :-)

3.  After dinner (Burger King picked up on the way home from cello-- too tired to even think about cooking), our friends the Meine's brought their dog May-May over to meet Sandy.  We're going to dog-sit May-May for a week when they go home to Utah for a visit.  Sandy was overjoyed to have a doggy playmate at her home.  May-May was a bit... overwhelmed, shall we say, by Sandy's exuberance.  It was pretty funny to watch.  But I think they'll get along just fine after Sandy settles down a bit.  It's nice to have a dog that I know will get along with other dogs.  Mister was not always a big fan of other canine competitors.

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