Sunday, March 11, 2012


1.  Daylight savings time is really painful with 9:00 church.

2.  The day started out thundering and raining and cold.  By the time we walked out of church 3 hours later, the skies were blue, the sun was out, and it was like a different world!  Sunshine after rain is so glorious.

3.  To celebrate the beautiful day, and the later daylight hours, we went on a walk down to this canyon/river run-off type place near where we live.  I remember going there with Mosey when we lived in our rental house when we first moved here.  I used to go on long walks with him while Brigham and Joseph were in Kindergarten.  I remember pushing Mosey in the stroller, walking from our rental house to the end of the culdesac where you can walk down into the canyon, and then carrying him down the steep hill to the small lake down below.  I haven't been there since.  This time Ben was the one walking carefully carrying *me* down the steep slope.  :-)  It is a fantastic place, and I can't believe we haven't been there before.  Well, I guess I can.  There is no possible way for me to get down there without Ben carrying me, so it's been off my radar of "places to go."  Anyway, the boys had a great time exploring around the lake, climbing down the giant limestone boulders to the creek down below, racing Sandy up and down the boulders, over, around, and through pools of water, up on the top of the limestone cliffs bordering the west side of the canyon.  Brigham found a small cave between and behind some of the boulders and tried to convince Joseph to explore it with him, but Joseph balked at the possibility of spiders.  "I hate spiders, especially spiders in my pants!" he exclaimed.  LOL-- I hate spiders in my pants, too!!  :-)

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