Thursday, March 29, 2012


1.  Today was a pretty challenging day.  A certain boy did not feel the need to fulfill any of his responsibilities.  I think I handled it well-- I never got mad at him.  I just don't know what to do when he gets like that.  He's completely irrational about it-- I don't ask that much, and what I do ask is very reasonable, and the expectations are the same as they have been for months and years.  So why on *this* particular day did he feel like it was OK for him to resist everything he knows he's supposed to do?  Finally, *finally* he got some traction on the day, and was able to pull off all his schoolwork and practicing before our pack meeting.

2.  We had the March pack meeting for Cub Scouts at our house.  The theme was compassion.  I had my friend Desiree who is blind, bring her guide dog and talk to the kids about her experiences.  She did a good job and the boys were very interested.  Afterward the boys took turns riding my wheelchair around an little obstacle course on the basketball court outside.  That was a pretty big hit with the boys!

3.  I forgot to write about a very disturbing experience yesterday.  As Mosey and I were driving on I-35 going home from speech down at UT, the driver in front of me started to drift slightly into the left lane (we were in the second-to-left lane).  There was a big SUV right there, and for a second I thought maybe it was in the guy's blindspot, and as soon as he saw it he'd get back into his own lane.  But he kept drifting over, and then without warning he veered into the left lane, just missing the SUV (I'm talking like a fraction of a second-- just inches really), and crashed right into the concrete divider. There was traffic, but we were still going at least 45 mph.  When I saw the car start to drift, I put the brake on because I didn't want to be too close in case there was a fender bender, so I had a pretty good view of the whole thing.  I was watching the guy and right before he veered over it looked like his head slumped to the side like he had fallen asleep or something.  Then car slammed into the divider at perhaps a 45 degree angle.  It lifted up onto two wheels, but came back down without flipping over.  As I drove past (too close to attempt to pull over) I saw the man in his car with his head laying out the side of his open window, obviously unconscious.  Or dead.  As we drove past, I saw in my rear view mirror two other cars that were pulling over, so I knew that there would soon be help.  I wonder what happened to him?  It was really horrifying. It's incredible to see how fast something like that can happen.  Did he die?  How bizarre to see someone go from calmly driving his car on the freeway, to being possibly dead in just an instant.  It really brings home how incredibly dangerous driving can be.  What happens to you when you hit a concrete wall at 45 mph, with no airbag or anything?  I don't want to know.  I've been praying for the guy and his family, though.

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