Monday, March 05, 2012


1.  I had the most vivid dream last night that I've had in a long while.  I was a nanny for a baby girl, although still mom to my 3 boys (you know how you can do that sort of thing in dreams).  I was in my wheelchair, and discovered that my tires were going flat, and one of them was separating from the rim of the wheel.  I took the wheels off my chair to try and fix the holes.  As I got up out of the wheelchair, I realized that I could actually walk!  But I had to be holding the baby.  As long as I was holding the baby, I could walk.  I ended up taking baby girl and Mosey to a local high school where we were going to watch the dress-rehearsal for some play.  As I went into the school, I realized that I was wearing only my pajamas.  But I didn't care, because I was walking.  I didn't care who saw me or laughed at me or pointed at me.  I was walking!  I ended up walking all over the school, up and down stairs, even running a couple of times, finding the room where the rehearsal was being held.  Ah!  I can't describe the feeling of freedom as I stood up out of the wheelchair and moved around on legs that were not stiff, but moved easily and felt strong and safe!  I remember walking around and thinking that my 100 meter walk this summer was going to be a breeze-- I could probably walk 400 meters right there!  :-)  It was one of those dreams I did not want to wake up from.  I remember thinking vaguely that I was probably dreaming, because otherwise why didn't I realize sooner that I could walk?  But of course, I did wake up.  My legs were stiff, my feet were numb.  I had to lift my legs over the side of the bed with my arm.  I had to grab onto the table, then the bookshelf, then the doorway of the bathroom in order not to fall...  I wonder which is the more intense feeling-- the flood of relief when you wake up from a nightmare, or the deflation and disappointment when you wake up from a beautiful but impossible dream.  Oh well.  I'm glad I still retain that visceral muscle memory of walking so that I can at least experience it in my dreams.

2.  This week we are going to try a block schedule with the boys.  Today was double history and writing.  Tomorrow will be double math and science.  It wasn't very successful today because we cannot find one of our core history books.  We have scoured the house-- where could it be??  One of our science books has similarly disappeared without a trace.  Also I had a boy (not Mosey!) who was not at all interested in doing what I asked him to do when I asked him to do it.  I should have known when last night as I was getting after this child to get in bed and go to sleep, he said, "Tomorrow I'm going to be as grumpy as I can!"  And he gave it his best shot.  I seriously, seriously hate Mondays.

3.  I think I experienced my most embarrassing moment of the year tonight.  And that was the decision to take my boys to see "The Lorax."  It was so terrible, it was almost entertaining.  Almost.  My comment to Ben after the movie ended was, "That movie was about an hour and thirty-five minutes too long!"  That's because the movie was an hour and thirty five minutes long.  :-)  I didn't know beforehand what it was about other than what it said on the little blurb on Google Movies, and the fact that it got a 4 1/2 star rating.  I will never trust those google ratings again.  :-)  I thought it was just going to be a cute Dr. Seuss movie!  But it took only about 10 seconds into the movie to realize what it was actually going to be about-- the stupidest, most inane environmental blather that you could even think of.  Oh my gosh, it was so, so, so dumb.  I can't believe they made that movie.  I guess there was a reason why there were only 3 other people in the entire theater, only 3 days after the movie was released.  At least it gave the boys and me something to talk about on the way home.  At least the dinner we had at a Sushi restaurant before the movie was not a mistake!  It was delicious, and I love the fact that my boys like sushi.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Oh Gabrielle, your dream made me tear up. I wish you had a little baby girl that would miraculously make you walk, too.