Monday, August 27, 2012


1.  Church day.  I was so tired this morning.  I'm looking forward to 11:00 church next year, when I won't be punished quite so much for my late-night habits.  :-)  I need at least one day a week to sleep in past 8:00 (to all my family reading this who have small children, yes I know I am a soft, soft, softie :-)).  But church was good, as usual.  It was Seminary Sunday, since seminary starts this next week.  I think someday it would be fun to teach seminary-- but not until my boys are high school age!!

2.  This afternoon after a nap (yes, to all my family with small children, Sunday afternoon naps do someday again become a reality!), our home teacher came with birthday cards for Brigham and Joseph and a nice lesson on how "to protect and serve" in the Gospel.  Then I packed up our game/puzzle shelf.  We have a nice collection of games and puzzles, but don't use them all that often.  I really like the idea of being a game-playing family, but we don't play games that much.  I need to change that!  I had visions of long afternoons of board-games with my children this summer, which never materialized.  Maybe we need to designate one night a week as "game night."  I have good memories of board games with my siblings.

3.  Pavel is leaving to go back home tomorrow morning.  We have loved having him at our house-- such an interesting person, and it's so fun to talk with someone with whom you agree on almost everything!  :-)  As a child, he and his family escaped Communist Czechoslovakia (Hey!  I spelled that right on the first try!!), leaving him with some pretty deeply felt political and philosophical ideas.  It's hard to watch this country move (in some ways) incrementally toward some of the political tendencies under which people in Eastern Europe suffered so much.  I was happy my children were able to talk with him and listen in on our conversations.

4.  I caught Joseph and Sandy relaxing on the couch yesterday and couldn't resist this picture.

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