Sunday, August 19, 2012


1.  It was a so-so productive day.  I did finish the laundry.  Got a few things organized, got the boys to do a few chores.  Went grocery shopping and picked up a bunch of boxes a guy was giving away on Craigslist.  I'm thinking the boys can start packing up their rooms, and we can start packing a few things away that we don't need, like books, etc.

2.  Joseph had archery this morning, the first time he's gone in almost a month.  He got blisters on his fingers--I guess the callouses get thin after a few weeks off!  His coach had him shooting at 20 yards, which was cool for him.  After archery (Ben dropped him off, and I went and picked him up with Mosey), we went to Blackerbys to switch Mosey's 1/4 size cello for a 1/2 size.  He's growing up!  Brigham's probably about ready for a 3/4 size violin.  I'll have to ask his teacher about that.

3.  It rained this afternoon, one of those wonderful summer thunderstorms.  My favorite weather.  Kept things a little cooler, although very muggy.  Afterward, Joseph and Brigham wanted to go down to the boulder park to see if the rain had started the waterfall back up.  Not yet, although we're supposed to get a little more rain over this next week, so maybe then.  I tried to talk Mosey into going with Joseph and Brigham, but he didn't want to.  I need to get that kid out of the house!  He wanted to work on his stick-figure animation, but his computer time was up.  So he stayed home with Ben whom I instructed not to let Mosey on the computer.  A while later Mosey called me up on Ben's phone and asked if Ben could teach him some computer programming.  Tricky boy!  Still, it is screen time, so I told Ben no more than 10 minutes.  I know there are some good websites out there for teaching kids basic programming-- I need to check those out.
Here is Mosey trying to draw his cousins over to the dark side of phone games over our family reunion.  Like moths to a flame...

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