Monday, August 13, 2012


1.  Today was the first day of school!  We're starting off slow, just easing into things, so it wasn't too intense.  That ended up being a good thing since I got about 4 hours of sleep last night-- insomnia!!  I hate it.  It doesn't strike too often, but I didn't fall asleep last "night" until around 4 AM.  I hope this year will be a good year.  I hope all my kids will be excited about what we're learning, and I hope I can be a good example of that.

2.  Sandy got sprayed by a skunk last night.  She cannot help herself-- she MUST run after small creatures.  Right when Ben was bringing her back at the end of his jog, she caught sight of a skunk in our neighbor's yard, and was off like a flash, ripping the leash from Ben's hand.  The skunk did what skunks do, and Sandy caught it right in the chest.  Oh my goodness.  Skunks smell really, really bad.  She got about 4 shampooings last night, and was banished outside.  Today the boys bathed her a couple of more times, but she still smells pretty bad.  I ended up with a headache after all day in the house and had to get OUT.  Dumb dog.  Cute dog, nice dog, but dumb and smelly.  :-(

3.  I haven't had a chance even to look through the majority of pictures I took over our CA trip, but here's one I knew I would post as soon as I took it.  It's begging for a caption.  :-)

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