Monday, August 20, 2012


1.  I woke up feeling really sick this morning, so I stayed home from church while Ben took the boys.  I don't like missing church.  I started feeling better by the early afternoon, and by the evening I dared eat again, so I hope this was just a short-lasting bug.

2.  After church, Joseph and Brigham and I went over their scout books to make sure they have finished everything for their Arrow of Light award.  They are turning 11 on Wednesday!!  We finished a few requirements to complete their forester and naturalist badges.  I had a bit of a hard time making them take some of the discussion points seriously.  It bothers me that so many environmental issues have been completely politicized.  We talked about having a conservation attitude, and how that is the good, responsible way to live.  You can be a conservationist without going crazy about fluorescent light bulbs and carbon footprints. Anyway, they have 2 more short things to finish, and then they will be all set.

3.  I made stir-fry for dinner.  Chicken and vegetable teriyaki stir fry and then a wonderful (I though) vegetable curry stir fry.  Ben came in while I was finishing up the curry, gave it a very dubious look and asked if that was what we were having for dinner.  I reassured him that I made TWO kinds of stir-fry.  It's too bad that some of my favorite food is some of Ben's least favorite.  Oh well, at least there are lots of leftovers for me.  :-)

4.  Here are some pictures from our trip of my darling nieces and nephews.   I have lots more pictures, here are just a few I looked over tonight.
Brigham and Christine's sweet baby Jane.  I want to eat her up.  I want to steal her away and never give her back, ever.  :-)

Baby Jane's bigger brother Lincoln.  This kid is a fire cracker!!

 Rosalynde's youngest, Miles, wearing his PJ's and his mama's hat at the park.  I adore 3-year-olds.

Another one of Miles, busy with his cars.  He takes his playing very seriously.

Naomi's oldest girl, Polly.  This was the morning before she got into some poison oak.  I'm so glad I got some pictures of her before her poor eyes got all swollen.  Polly is also a fire cracker, and I have no idea how Naomi has the energy to keep up with her.  Man, is she ever cute.

Rachel's little girl Rosalia.  Rosalia is absolutely, breath-takingly beautiful.  Of course she is, being Rachel's child.  :-)  It's probably good I never had a daughter-- they'd be riddled with insecurity around their beautiful cousins!

The stripey cousins, Lincoln and Miles.  Lincoln, Miles, and Polly were all born within 2 months of each other, and they are sure fun to watch together.

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