Monday, February 20, 2012


Three things for Sunday

1.  I totally forgot about Mosey's talk he was assigned in Primary.  I had fully intended for him to work on it over this past week, but it got lost somewhere in between my synapses.  I don't know how it is that it came to me all of a sudden about 10 minutes before we needed to leave for church.  Probably Heavenly Father was watching me thinking, "So... I wonder how much longer I should let her remember this on her own?"  He must have given up on me when he saw me leisurely getting dressed and doing my hair and other getting-ready-for-church-things without the slightest sign of anxiety over my son's yet-unwritten talk.  Hey, I'm glad he didn't wait until I was actually at church!  :-)  As it was, I sent Ben off to church with Brigham and Mosey (Joseph woke up with a sore throat and fever and so he stayed in bed), and I stayed home and madly wrote Mosey's talk.  I made it to church with 15 minutes to spare.

2.  Brigham has taught Sandy the funniest thing.  Sandy loves to play tug of war, especially with stuffed animals.  Brigham especially loves to play keep-away from her, teasing her with a stuffed animal in her face, and then darting away, Sandy close at his heels.  Well, Brigham plays this same game, but instead of a stuffed animal, he grabs her tail and shakes the end in front of her nose, just like he does with the stuffed animal.  Sandy goes crazy trying to grab her own tail away from Brigham.  She literally chases her tail, going around and around, and sometimes even catching it!  At that point, you'd think she'd figure out the "stuffed animal" she has clamped between her jaws is actually her own tail.  But she doesn't, and keeps spinning round and round.  It is very, very funny.  I have to get it on video for sure.

3.  I forgot to write something I liked about Julie Beck's talk yesterday.  She couldn't find a scripture she was trying to use to illustrate a point about visiting teaching.  She flipped through her scriptures for a while before giving up and asking someone with an iphone to please look it up for her.  She said, "It says something about... do not the publicans the same... or something like that.  I think it might be in Matthew?"  And then she went on.  I just thought that was awesome.  She doesn't have every scripture memorized!  She wasn't embarrassed to ask someone in the audience to look it up for her!  She was clearly speaking off-the-cuff with no prepared notes!  (I can't do that.)  It made me giggle a little, picturing one of the twelve standing up in General Conference, searching in vain for a scripture, and then asking someone on the stand behind him to pull out their iphone or ipad to look it up for him on  :-)  Of course, someone did find the scripture for her within a minute or so (Matthew 5:45-47) and it perfectly illustrated the point she was trying to make.  So even though she doesn't have every scripture memorized, she's still leagues ahead of me in being able to, on the spur of the moment, come up with scriptures to back up what she's saying.

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