Friday, February 10, 2012


1.  The weekend is finally here.  Yay.  This seemed like a long week to me.  Today was an OK day.  Mosey was having some "issues" this afternoon and ended up storming out the front door (actually escaping from a 25-minute hall closet sentence-- which he got for throwing a heavy metal object (heavy-duty padlock) inside the house at his brother, then escaping from his first 10 minute sentence and then throwing another heavy metal object (this time a double spigot head from the outside hose spigot that cracked last year-- why do we still have that thing?) again inside the house and at his brother), and running off down the street.  A nice lady saw him run out the door and down the road, and stopped and knocked on our door to see if I needed any help.  I said no, he just needed to cool off and he'd be back, but after 20 minutes, he still hadn't shown up.  And an 8 year old wandering around by himself during school hours doesn't look so good.  So I got in the van and drove around until I found him.  I knew he wouldn't go too far.  He saw me and took off down the road again, but I finally managed to sweet-talk him into getting in the van and going home, and then he was good as gold the rest of the afternoon.  Stinker. 

2.  I got my hair cut this afternoon.  I always like that.  For at least a few hours every 2 months or so, my hair looks good.  :-)

3.  The boys and Ben spent all evening playing Tanki Online.  I'm telling you, the computer-game part of my brain is missing.  I don't understand the appeal.  They were all totally breaking my screen-time rule for the day, but they were all having so much fun together, I didn't have the heart to tell them to stop.  It's this tank game where you shoot tanks, and... well, I think that's it-- you just shoot tanks.  You are a tank and you shoot other tanks.  And this is somehow hugely fun for hours at a time.  Anyway all the boys and Ben were on different computers (yikes, we have FOUR computers in this house??  Yep, with Ben's work computer and my old laptop that has somehow been resurrected from the dead, we have four), and were able to team up in battles against other online gamers.  They had a great time yelling back and forth to each other from across the room and strategizing as to how best manipulate the battle, since all 4 of them were working as a team.  At one point I did hear Joseph say, "I think this is technically cheating, but... who cares!"  Hmmm.  What are the ethics of online tank-shooting games?  Do I care?  Maybe not.  :-)

4.  I utterly forgot about Mosey's Tae Kwon Do belt ceremony tonight.  I suck.  I hope he forgives me. 

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