Thursday, February 16, 2012


1.  For our art group this afternoon, the boys brought their instruments to demonstrate.  I think it was really fun for them to show off for their friends a little!  Also fun for them to see how far they've come from the scratching and screeching and blowing of the other kids trying out the violin, cello, and flute.  :-) 

2.  Mosey was happier today.  He wasn't excited about having to go to cello right after art, but on the way there he said to me, "I've noticed that sometimes I really don't want to do something, but then when I'm there, I really like it!"  I told him how many things in life are just like that.  He's doing great in cello, I'm really blown away at the difference switching from violin to cello (or maybe just the 1 year age difference?) has made.  He's a natural cellist and thinks it's really funny when I forget the name of the strings, or which finger plays which note. 

3.  I've decided I'm not going to cook on Thursday nights.  Thursdays are too crazy, and getting home at 7:15 is too late to start dinner.  Mosey and I stopped by Taco Cabana and brought home food for dinner.  I think Thursday nights will be Dad's choice nights, or take-out. 

4.  Brigham loves to fight Sandy.  Those two can really go at it, and I'm not sure which one sounds more ferocious!  Brigham gets down and wrestles with her and growls at her, and she eats it up.  All the boys, plus Ben, got in a big dog wrestling match tonight, ending when Sandy got a *little* too excited and nipped Ben on his backside.  :-)  Later, Joseph was sitting on the couch, I came up behind him and put my arms around him, and then Mosey and Brigham thought it was a good idea to join in a great big group hug.  Two seconds later, Sandy JUMPED up on top of everyone, shoving her face down among all of ours, and licking everyone she could get her tongue on.  She didn't want us forgetting for a second that she is a part of our pack, too!

5.  At lunchtime today I had one of those "I sure love homeschooling" moments (much needed after my self-doubts of 24 hours ago) as the boys and I discussed the role of government in regulating wages and other labor/business interests.  We're just now getting into the beginnings of labor unions, and the era of the robber barons in our history unit.  So fun to see the wheels turning in their heads!  Brigham has got some beef with one of our history books, and takes great joy in proving to me why it's totally wrong in some of the conclusions and assertions it makes.

6.  One more thing from yesterday.  While I was gone to Tae Kwon Do with Mosey around noon, some guy came and knocked on the front door (I'm pretty sure he was one of the environmentalist missionaries who periodically come tracting the neighborhood seeking signatures for some proposed bill or another).  Joseph and Brigham did right by not answering the door, although I think the pattering footsteps and the click of the deadbolt being locked might have clued him in to the fact that someone was actually home.  :-)  Later, in the evening, another knock came.  Joseph ran and got it and it was the same guy, this time asking if his mom or dad were here.  I'm not sure what was in his head, but he said, "It doesn't matter whether they're here or not!" and closed the door.  OK, I appreciate his efforts in sparing me from having to deal with yet another salesman/activist at our front door.  But I THINK there might have been a little more courteous way of handling the situation.  :-)  Ben and I made the practice a better response: "Thanks for coming, but we're really not interested right now.  Good luck!"  Ack!  we definitely need a unit on basic etiquette.  :-/  And I think we need a plaque for our front door that says, "Please no solicitors except for Girl Scouts selling cookies."  Now Girl Scout cookies are a cause I can definitely get behind.

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