Saturday, May 01, 2010

Giant mud puddles and parties

This past week has been really busy. I'm trying to get several photoshoots edited and orders placed, in addition to all my normal stuff, which has resulted in several late nights and no time for blogs. In fact, I can only take a few minutes right now.
Ben and the boys took the cover off the pool this morning. They had to drain off a WHOLE bunch of rain water that had accumulated over the winter. This has yielded a gigantic mud puddle behind the pool. I mean, enormous. And everyone knows that mud and boys are irresistibly attracted to one another. The results have been everything one might expect them to be. :-)
They all took a bath, and are now back outside "having a party in the treehouse." Joseph took up a carton of ice cream, and Brigham is concocting something special in the kitchen to take up there. Mosey wants me to find Arctie so he can go up there, too, but I'm REALLY thinking that is a bad idea. One beloved white stuffed animal + gigantic mud puddle = A disaster in the making. Now Joseph is blowing up some balloons for the party.

I love watching them play.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

oh I hope I have boys like yours someday