Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mommy rewards

There are many rewards in being a mother, but I got an especially nice one a couple of weeks ago. We were in the middle of morning lessons and I got a phone call (which sometimes annoys me when it interrupts our lessons). It was our primary president who just called to tell me about Mosey. She had been in his classroom the Sunday before, helping out because a teacher was absent. The lesson was on Moses! The teacher asked the kids what they knew about Moses, which wasn't much (the class is 5 year olds turning 6), until he called on Mosey. Mosey proceeded (according to Sister Reed) to relay the entire story of Moses. Now, I'm not very surprised, since he *is* named Moses, and has seen "Prince of Egypt" a few times, but still it made me happy. And I was proud of him because it's one thing for a 6 year old to know the story of Moses, but another to be able to tell it coherently in front of peers and adults. Yay, Mosey!
Sister Reed also told me of a time a few weeks ago when the Deacons came to the senior primary to do a little skit about Joseph Smith. She told me Joseph and Brigham knew more than the Deacons! I can't really take credit for that because, honestly, we haven't really studied Joseph Smith's life much at home. We need to do that.
So, for Mosey and Brigham and Joseph when you are someday reading this boring blog/history of your mom's, you should know that you are amazing kids and I am so proud of you!

1 comment:

Mama said...

And Grandma is proud too!!!!