Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fair's fair

I do get some kind of cathartic relief from writing about our terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days, but I need to be sure to balance that out with the far more frequent good days. We had a good day today.
I started out very worried. The boys were up too late last night watching an episode of "Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe" on Netflix. And then they were up early this morning. I heard voices at about 7:15 AM, and they were probably up even before then. So I had visions of tantrums and whininess and all manner of bad behavior in front of me for the day. But I have to hand it to all three of my boys-- they were awesome today.
Joseph got his lessons done in record time. He did his math INDEPENDENTLY, and got 95% on his test. Way to go, Joseph! He worked hard on his handwriting even though he hates handwriting and he hates having his mom hover over him giving him nit-picky directions on what he's doing wrong and how to fix it. Joseph is a really fast typist, and as a result, I've been too lax about letting him slide on actual handwriting. But handwriting is important, and I'm going to spend the summer months really working on handwriting with Joseph and typing with Brigham.
Side note: I really must scan an example of Brigham's handwriting. He has beautiful cursive which he loves to embellish with curlicues and flourishes, and he really takes pride in it. Of course, it can take him a half hour to write a paragraph, but the result is very pretty.
Joseph's piano practicing was lovely and he is in excellent shape for his lesson tomorrow. He was helpful at the grocery store and carrying groceries into the house and putting them away. He was just a really awesome kid today.
And Brigham managed to pull a 180 from yesterday. (I didn't write about yesterday because it was pretty much a worse repeat of Monday). He wrote a great report about alligators, and even typed a bunch of it by himself. He was angelic in his piano practicing. He got along well with his brothers, and apologized spontaneously to his brothers for this or that, and to me for the hard time he gave me yesterday and the day before.
Mosey was an angel as well. He did his schoolwork mostly happily (I did have to threaten to count to five to get him up from under the table and finishing his subtraction... :-)). He helped clean up and put groceries away. He drew a really awesome picture of a betta fish. He got ready for bed uncomplainingly. He and Joseph took the dogs on a walk. He charmed me by spelling out several of his sentences. I don't know why I get such a kick out of this, but I do. He is a great speller, and being able to spell out loud is hard! He spelled out the following to me: "I C-A-N-'-T T-A-L-K B-E-C-A-U-S-E I-F I D-O I W-O-U-L-D O-N-L-Y M-E-O-W L-I-K-E A C-A-T." I'm not really sure what that was supposed to mean, but I thought it was cool that he spelled the whole thing out for me.
So, it was a good day. Good job, guys!

1 comment:

Mama said...

YAY for good days!! I have a terrible habit of only writing in my journal when things are bad -- and so much of the time things are very, very good! Give those good boys hugs from Grandma.