Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! This picture is one I hadn't seen before-- my sister sent it to me on a DVD with a lot of other scanned photos of our ancestors. I like this one because it shows my beautiful mother as I always see her in my mind's eye. My mom is in the light pink blouse, and my sisters and I are standing in front (me, Naomi, Rosalynde, from left to right). My aunt Shauna is standing next to my mom holding her son (Nicholas or Peter?) on the horse, and my cousin Jeff (I think) is standing to the right. I believe we are in front of my Grandpa Frandsen's barn at his farm. My mom is so beautiful.
Brigham and I have been suffering from a terrible cough/cold this last week. He came in our room this morning at around 6:00 AM, practically in tears, and saying how he hardly slept at all the night before. So we dosed him up with cold medicine and Benadryl and he went back to sleep for a few hours. Ben stayed home from church with him. I was hoping he would sleep the whole time, but Ben said he did not. Brigham probably suffers the most of any of my boys when it comes to sleep deprivation. He is my best sleeper, but he really has a hard time coping with life when he doesn't get enough.
Last night Ben took the boys to the grocery store to shop for a special mother's day dinner. When they got home, Ben carried Brigham in from the car. I asked, "Is that a tired boy or a sad boy?" Brigham said, "Sad boy," through his tears. Then he told me how he didn't get ANYTHING he wanted at the grocery store, and Joseph got EVERYTHING he wanted. Oh, the injustice of it all! Anyway, he seems to be holding up ok this afternoon, and the boys will all have an early night.
Church was nice, even without Ben and Brigham. There is a sweet young man in our ward who has taken it as his personal duty to make sure that I am well taken care of. He finds me immediately after Sacrament meeting and carries my bag into Sunday School, and usually comes to find me after Sunday School to take my bag to Relief Society! Today he took the long-stem rose given to all the women in the ward by the Young Men, and put it in my car before coming back and taking my bag. And after church he found me, got my keys and opened my van door for me. What a gentleman! I told him he better be as nice to his own mother as he is to me!
After church, the boys and Ben made dinner for me-- salad and beef/chicken/broccoli teriyaki with rice and noodles. And we used some of our first harvestings of our garden! Onions and lettuce and chard and oregano. It would have been great to use our broccoli, too, but sadly the weather warmed up too fast and our broccoli "bolted" before we could harvest it. I didn't know, but if it gets too warm, broccoli does not develop a big head, but instead "bolts"-- shoots up long stems and yellow flowers. Pretty, but you can't eat it! We'll have ice cream for dessert. Brigham was disappointed by that-- he wanted to make blueberry cream pie, or, barring that, at least buy some sugar cookies! He thinks plain ice cream is not good enough for his mother. :-)
During dinner I told them all about what my mom was like while I was growing up, and then Ben told us about his mom. I feel totally inadequate now. :-)


Mama said...

Gabrielle, you NEVER need to feel inadequate - ever, compared to anyone. And I have MANY more people who would back me up on this one, my dear daughter :)

Rosalynde said...

I love that picture! Can I get a copy of that DVD? That's how Mama looks in my mind's eye, too---and that's how she STILL looks! The funny thing about that photo is that I remember the clothes you and Naomi are wearing, but I have no memory of the outfit I have on... I usually remember all my clothes!

Glad you had such a nice Mother's Day. We spent our dinner conversation teaching our kids the first names and maiden names of their grandmas and great-grandmas. That's a lot of names to remember!

I sure hope that sweet Brigham gets the sleep he needs!

Jill T said...

That picture is awesome. That'd be Nick on the horse.

I'm glad you had a happy mother's day. You deserve it!

Rachel said...

Ditto on the DVD request. Happy Mother's Day, Gabrielle!