Saturday, May 08, 2010

Easter, at long last

I've been getting really behind in my photos and daily updates. Too much to do, always!
Anyway, I did finally get to Easter pictures yesterday, so here is my belated Easter report.
We had a very low-key Easter, mostly because it was Conference Sunday, and we had driven down from Dallas pretty late the night before.
I didn't make a special breakfast or dinner or anything! We watched conference, dyed eggs, had a small Easter egg hunt, and enjoyed being together as a family.

Mosey was a good egg finder. Here he is peeking under our garden net. Ben rigged a bird net over our garden beds to try and keep out birds and squirrels. It's actually working!

Here's a funny self-satisfied look on Mosey's face-- he knows he's got candy to look forward to!

Joseph is a REALLY good egg finder. He found his so fast, he had to sit down on the couch under the patio to let his brothers have a chance to find eggs. He had poison ivy, so this picture is in black and white.

Brigham is not so gifted in the egg-finding department. After some tears and gnashing of teeth, Ben had to give him a few pointers.

And he's off!

The dogs were not invited to our Easter egg hunt. So Squirrel stood up against the kitchen window and watched the boys run back and forth gathering eggs. Funny dog!

And finally, the pay-out! Not ALL of the candy was consumed in one sitting, but it wasn't for lack of trying! :-)

(See the poison ivy? Poor boy)

Then some relaxing until the afternoon session of Conference. Mosey got in some reading.

Watching the afternoon session of Conference. Ben assures me he was really awake, just resting his eyes. Sure, Ben!! :-)

Squirrel, on the other hand, was most definitely NOT "just resting her eyes." She had the most comfortable seat in the house!

1 comment:

Mama said...

What a great looking garden!! We didn't even decorate eggs this year... enjoy these fun years!!