Saturday, May 08, 2010

Poison Ivy

The day after Easter, we woke up early and took Joseph to the Urgent Care to get a doctor to look at his rash. He'd been complaining of a rash for a few days. It had started with just a tiny little spot on his leg, and then spread. I thought maybe it was poison ivy, since the boys play frequently at a park that I know has poison ivy. But when I looked online, the pictures didn't look anything like what he had. But after one quick look, the doctor proclaimed it poison ivy. Turned out that most of the online pictures were of the rash once it's pretty well established. Joseph's did eventually look just like those. Anyway, she prescribed a steroid cream and antibiotics since he had some slightly infected areas from scratching. It took us 2 different Targets and about 2.5 hours to finally get his medication. Within a week it looked MUCH better, but he was pretty miserable for quite a few days.

It looked worse in real life than in the pictures... Poor kid!

I can almost see his finger marks where he must have rubbed his neck after getting the oil on his hands.

Joseph wasn't thrilled with me taking pictures. Joseph, if you read this and you want me to take these pictures down, I will, just tell me!


Mama said...

Oh, my goodness!!! He must have been utterly miserable!! Leaves of three, LEAVE THEM BE!!

Naomi said...

I remember getting poison oak all over my face the summer after 7th grade. My face puffed up so much that I wore sunglasses because I was so embarrassed... Poor Joseph!