Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lucky 13

Today is our 13th anniversary!
Hard to believe.
We didn't celebrate too much. The boys had a piano recital today (they did great!), and afterward we went to eat at La Madeleine (a restaurant I never thought I'd get Ben to set foot in, but after eating my leftover tomato basil pasta the last time I was there, he decided to give it a try). However, we've been battling a stomach bug the past few days. Mosey was sick all day Thursday. Brigham was sick Thursday night to Friday morning. Ben was sick all day Friday. Well, it was my turn today. So after we came home, I went to bed, and didn't leave until about 10 minutes ago. I'll be going back directly.
But I didn't want the day to pass without my marking it.
It was otherwise also a crummy day to be sick. I have so much to do!! I still haven't unpacked from our trip. I have 2 loads of clean laundry that haven't been folded since *before* our trip! I have another load in the dryer, and another in the washer that I forgot about from 2 days ago. Oops. And there are at least 2 more loads on the floor in my room...
Also I haven't sorted mail in about 3 weeks. It is getting ridiculous and scary since there are probably bills in there that need to be paid.
And the house is it's typical chaotic mess after the week.
But, none of it will get done tonight, and probably none will get done tomorrow, so I'll just have to deal.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is nagged by the laundry monster. I'm still not sure how MY floor was designated as "the dirty clothes".

I don't even fold the kid's clothes anymore. They end up pulling it all out anyway...packing for imaginary "trips". The bed is the "car" in need of packing.

The phenomenon is to painful to blog about...putting away all those clothes, OVER and OVER.

Someday it will be funny, and receive a blog post. The wound is too fresh at present. :)

Happy Anniversary! Feel better!

Mama said...

Happy Anniversary!! I remember that day 13 years ago so well - snow on the ground at the temple, Naomi dressing the little boys in the wrong size shirts, the stress over the veil the night before... but what a blessed day that was. Ben is the perfect husband and companion and father for you and your boys. The laundry doesn't matter -- but this is yet one more reason why I NEED to live next door to you!!! I love you so much - get better.

Rachel said...

Congratulations on lucky 13! I wish I could be sick instead of you - what a bummer.