Tuesday, May 01, 2012


1. The Mondays strikes again.  I don't understand it because we had such a good morning!  Everything was great until just after lunch, when it all fell apart.  All three boys fell into paroxysms of whining and crying and sighing and groaning until I wanted to put myself in time out!  Brigham got exactly 1 problem done in his 45 minutes of math.  Joseph made it just 10 minutes into math before giving up and collapsing on the couch.  And Mosey never made it to math at all.  Also not done: spelling (for anyone), copywork (Mosey), dictation (Brigham), cello practicing (Mosey), and memorizing (no one did this one).  However, I kept my cool!  I told them I wasn't going to force anyone to do anything, but whatever didn't get done would roll over to the next day.
I have to say I get a bit worried because for Joseph and Brigham at least, their academic load is going to kick up a notch next year. 

2.  We had flute and speech this afternoon.  It was Mosey's last speech session for the semester.  I didn't sign him up for the summer, although he wanted to go.  I need a break from driving down to UT all the time.  He ended up really enjoying himself this semester, after a bit of a rocky start.  I'm not seeing too much difference in his everyday speech, but if I remind him about using easy onset, he does it quite well and is fluent for as long as he remembers to do it (which, because he is an 8 year old boy, is not very long).  After speech, before going to get Joseph and Brigham from flute, we stopped by Burger King to get Mosey's favorite treat (and his brothers')-- cherry icees.  Heading back to the freeway, I made one stupid blunder, trying to take a little "short cut" which was not a short cut at all, and cost me 15 minutes of wading through traffic and pedestrians through the UT campus.  And then we hit every single red light, so we were 30 minutes late picking up Joseph and Brigham.  They were fine, hanging out at the park, but Joseph was getting worried.  So we were just on time for the wonderful 5:30 rush-hour traffic coming out of downtown, and didn't make it home until 6:30.  It was a long afternoon!

3.  Ben had to work late tonight so we couldn't tag-team dinner and supervising the last of the practicing.  As a result we didn't eat dinner until 8:30-- too late!!  And the boys were not really settled in bed until nearly 10:00.  Ben didn't get home until 10:30, and I subsequently didn't get to the grocery store until 11:00.  Then I came home and had to unload groceries myself, since Ben was asleep, which took me forever because I can only carry one or two bags at a time, and then I had to put groceries away and then I had to clean the cricket cage and feed the lizards and check my email.  Which is why it is now 1:20 AM and I'm not in bed yet.  Oh well.

Here are some funny pictures from way back when (2006!) to cheer myself up before bed.  :-)

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