Tuesday, May 29, 2012


1.  Memorial Day!  We did nothing special at all today, and I feel bad.  We should have at least gone to a cemetery and put down American Flags.  Next year. 

2. Ben worked most of the day (from home), the boys lazed around and played and then spent a few hours doing homework that didn't get finished from last week.  I got a couple of things crossed off my to-do list:  cutting all 3 boys' hair.  Joseph was petrified that I was going to cut off too much, and actually started crying and yelling, "OW! You're hurting me!  It hurts!!"  Tears were actually flowing!! I assured him I was only cutting the back and sides and was leaving the top longer, but he was not convinced.  After it was all over and he took a bath, he came out and seemed to be OK with it, but wow!  The drama!  I was reminded so much of myself when I was about his age.  I had long, long hair, and took great pride in it.  It was in desperate need of a trim (think green/yellow dried-out ends from days in the sun and the pool).  I told my mom only ONE INCH.  But she utterly betrayed me and cut off FOUR INCHES!!  (Which on my head of hair which went down to the very bottom of my back, was not very much.)  Oh, I was so upset.  I remember being just devastated the whole day, and so angry with my poor mom.  So I'm definitely getting my just deserts.  I also managed to fold one load of laundry and got another one started, swept the floor, cleared off and organized all of the stuff that had accumulated on the homeschool table over the past 4 days (how does that happen?  Why does it take me 2 hours to get sorted??), and glued a whole stack of pictures into my scrapbook album (from 2006).  So I guess I was fairly productive.  But that was only because I was procrastinating my main task which was to deal with my massively overflowing in-box on my desk right now which seems to be reproducing before my eyes.  I was successful in that endeavor (the procrastination part, not the in-box part), and now I am having procrastinator's remorse.  Why didn't I take care of that??

3.  Late at night (12:15 AM, to be exact), I was organizing school papers of the boys (see #2 re: procrastination), when I heard little whisperings upstairs.  It was Mosey and Joseph, my night-owls.  AWAKE AFTER MIDNIGHT ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!!  WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY THINKING!!  WHY ARE THEY NOT ASLEEP IN THEIR OWN BEDS RIGHT NOW????   Other mothers will understand that tearing feeling of rage, frustration, and dread that comes over you when you realize there's no way your kids are going to get enough sleep and that you are going to have to deal with the fall-out the next day.  My instinct is to scream and yell and pound my fists against the floor!  Which wouldn't help the sleep-status of the rest of the household at all, so I restrained myself.  Ugh, ugh, ugh.

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