Friday, May 25, 2012


1.  Lessons in the morning, piano and violin lessons in the afternoon.  Typical Wednesday.  Piano lessons went well.  Brigham seems to be bearing up a little better these days, although he is still hard on himself.  I'm trying to remember to practice with him the day of his lesson, and really be detailed in looking over his assignments and the music.  Brigham gets frustrated, but it's better to be nit-picky at home than be surprised at his lesson by things we hadn't remembered or hadn't noticed.  Brigham's violin is really coming along.  His sight-reading is getting good, and his teacher sent home the duet part to one of his Suzuki pieces.  It was so fun to play with him!  I ordered a few violin duet books on Amazon.  I'm not sure he'll find it as fun as I do, but that's just too bad!  :-)

2.  Something truly monumental and important happened this afternoon on our way to piano lessons.  Here is a picture of it:
How cool is that??  This has been a very good vehicle for us.  Hardly any trouble for over 100,000 miles (knock on wood).

3.  We stopped by the library on the way home from music lessons.  I love the library-- so many good memories of summer trips to La Canada Library when I was a kid!  I remember being so happy that I could walk to the library by myself after we moved into our Chevy Chase house.  All summer long I'd go to the library every week or so and come home with a stack of books that I'd devour.  My boys are almost old enough that I'd feel OK about them riding to the library on their bikes.  It's a good 2-3 miles.  But for now, I don't mind driving them.  The boys are really good about loading and unloading my wheelchair into the back of the van, since browsing in the library is not a very crutch-friendly activity.

4.  I made a real dinner tonight-- Swedish meatballs over brown rice.  At first Mosey was pretty sure it was going to be disgusting, but surprised himself when he liked it!  I gotta hand it to Mosey-- as quick (and rude) as he can be to condemn my cooking as "the most disgusting stuff in the world!", he is also quick to retract when he discovers otherwise.  "This is the best food in the world, mom, you should make it all the time!"  :-)

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