Tuesday, January 31, 2012


1.  Our practicing schedule worked this morning!  All practicing was done by 10:58 AM.  And 2 of the 3 boys were all done with their schoolwork by 3:30 PM.  Another boy took until 4:30, and is still not quite caught up... but we're working on that.  This boy has a tendency to daydream and to wander into the playroom to play with blocks when he probably ought to be doing his lessons.  :-)

2.  Mosey has poison ivy.  We can't figure out how he got it!  It just cropped up today, so he must have been exposed sometime in the last week or so.  No one else has it, and I can't think of where he's been recently where he could have been climbing trees or walking through undergrowth.  It's all over his legs and arms and neck and belly.  Poor boy.  He soaked in an oatmeal bath for 45 minutes before dinner, but he was scratching again before bedtime.  We may end up going to the doctor for steroid ointment. 

3.  We went to the library this afternoon.  We have a slippery library book.  It was lost, we got charged for it, then we found it, but then it got lost again before we had a chance to return it.  :-(  This is one reason I don't go to the library terribly often.  I always end up paying fines.  I don't like to think about the number of books I could have bought with the fines we've paid for lost DVD's, lost books, late fees, etc.  I'm not a responsible library card holder, I guess.  :-)

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