Sunday, January 22, 2012

The last 2 weeks

I've been wanting to write a blog post for the past few days, but I didn't want to put anything up until I wrote about Mosey's baptism, which I haven't had time to do until now.  So, now for a re-cap of the past two weeks!
The highlight of the last 2 weeks was of course Mosey's baptism and my mom and dad and sister coming.  My mom got me all caught up on laundry!  Bless her!
We picked them up from the airport Friday afternoon, drove home, just missing rush hour, and spent a quiet evening at home, eating soup I made in the crock pot (have to show my mom I'm at least trying to be a good domestic!) and watching "Master and Commander" on the projector. 
Saturday morning dawned early.  I had to make 2 batches of cookies before heading up to the church for Mosey's baptism.  Snickerdoodles and oatmeal raisin.  Mosey loves snickerdoodles!
The baptism was wonderful, of course. 
Afterward we drove to Carinos to celebrate with lunch while all of us were still dressed up.  I ate too much and drank too many cherry Italian sodas.  :-)
In the afternoon, Eva and I went to Burlington Coat Factory for the shopping spree I promised her for Christmas.  Shopping with your sister has got to be one of life's greatest pleasures.  :-) 
In the evening we ate leftovers and watched "Captain America" (surprisingly good!) on the projector, after failing to procure "Sherlock Holmes" at Blockbuster.
Sunday morning was church.  I love going to church with my mom, especially, because afterward everyone comments on how wonderful and beautiful she is, and I have to agree!
After church and lunch, we went to Mayfield Park to take senior portraits for Eva.  She is so beautiful!  I think she's the most beautiful of all the Frandsen sisters.  I've only gotten through some of the pictures, but here are some I like so far.  I actually love all of them and can't pick a favorite.  I think you'll see why.  :-)

 We got to ogle at a bunch of girls all decked out for a fancy fashion shoot (I'll never understand fashion, I think, especially when it involves clothes, hair, and makeup that NO ONE would ever actually wear outside of a Halloween party.  Or fashion photo shoot.  :-)).  The peacocks were out and gave us a great display of tail feathers.

In the evening after dinner the boys gave a music recital.  Joseph played some flute duets with my mom-- so great!  My mom and sister and I watched "Jane Eyre" after the boys went to bed.  Girl movies with my mom and sister-- another great joy in life!
Monday, MLK Day, was the last day of my parents' visit and we tried to make the most of it.  We went to the Bob Bullock History Museum and watched a 3D IMAX movie on tornadoes.  Scary!  After touring the museum for a bit, we left to meet Ben for lunch.  And I got pulled over for driving the wrong way on a one way street.  D'oh!!  (In my defense, there was NO one on the road, it wasn't well marked, and I actually drove probably only 50 feet, if that, before turning again.)  It was just my luck that a cop was sitting RIGHT THERE on the corner, watching me.  Oops.  He ended up just giving me a warning.  I think he saw it was an honest mistake and saw how dumb I felt about it.  We picked up a gourmet lunch at Sonic (I'm not counting the calories I consumed over the weekend) and then it was time to load up and take my family back to the airport.  I love family coming to visit.  I hate family having to go back home.  I dropped Joseph off at flute on the way to the airport, and made it back with 20 minutes to spare before his lesson was over.  His teacher was a bit distressed at my leaving Joseph there on his doorstep 15 minutes early, but I think the fact that Joseph had his best lesson ever, thanks to the diligent practicing with grandma, made up for it.  :-)
The rest of the week was pretty typical.  Lessons, practicing, etc.  A bit busier as we had to make up Monday's work over the rest of the week. 
Mosey had his first Scout meeting on Tuesday afternoon.  He was so excited and looked so cute dressed up in his Cub Scout uniform.

We had art at our house this week.  I filled in as substitute and taught a lesson on Classical music and the lives of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.  What great music.  I was up way too late the night before trying to decide on what pieces of music to play for the kids.  I ended up showing a clip from "Amadeus" about Mozart.  I watched through much of the movie on Youtube trying to find the scene I was looking for.  I can't believe that movie was rated PG in 1984, or whenever it came out.  PG!  It's a wonderful movie, but there's no way I'd let my boys watch the whole thing.
On Thursday night Mosey had his 2nd cello lesson with his new teacher.  I never wrote about that, I don't think.  I finally had to give up on his old teacher, after never hearing back from him again.  I feel bad and truly hope and wish the best for him.  Mosey's new teacher is at the same studio where Brigham is taking violin.  I dragged myself up to the 2nd floor of the building where the studio is located so I could meet her and sit in on his first lesson.  She'll be a wonderful teacher for him.  I let him go up to his lesson this week by himself while I waited downstairs in the parking lot, and he came down happy and excited.  "I'm never going to quit cello, unless there are no more cellos left in the whole world!"  I imagine I'll have to remind him of that a time or two.  :-)
This weekend has been busy, but good.  The boys got their pinewood derby cars designed and cut.  I took 2 trips to Hobby Lobby and one trip to Michaels to find supplies.  Mosey's already painted his a bright shiny silver.  And gotten bright shiny silver paint on my table that will never ever come off.  Sigh...  Oh well.  :-)
Brigham had horseback riding-- his first lesson back after a couple of weekends off due to Mosey events (birthday party, baptism), and did great.  He got to go fast at the end-- loping I think?  Is that what comes after trotting?  It was fun for him in any case.  I got to sit on the couch by the ring and watch Brigham ride while reading a book and petting the farm cat that staked a place and fell asleep on my lap.  Later in the afternoon Joseph went with me to the Verizon store where I ordered my first smart phone-- the Droid Razr which was on deep discount.  I won't have it for a few days, and have more than a few misgivings about it, but we'll see how it goes.  I'll have 14 days to decide if I really want it.
Church was today.  I like my primary class.  They are good kids and 7-8 years old is a great age.  They are smart and can really learn, but are young enough to think my jokes are funny.  :-)  I played some music from My Turn on Earth (a favorite of mine) and we made paper airplanes at the end of class.  What's not to love?
We had dinner with friends and I went with Mosey to his "It's Great to be Eight" fireside at the Hoopes house, then went home, sent the boys to bed, and here I am, finishing this letter up and it's not even 11:00 yet!  I'm so proud of myself.  :-)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You Frandsen girls are all so gorgeous it's a little scary. I just found out through Sister Owens (your parents neighbor) father, that your mother has a sister in my ward! We are living in Lake Oswego, OR. Who is it? I've been looking around in RS trying to guess. . .
Rachel (price) Wilde

PS - did you know I still occasionally stalk your blog? Hopefully that's not scary! My blog is privatized now, but you can email me at