Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Birthday boy!

I think Mosey had a good day!
I tried to wake him with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday," and then "Your Happy Birthday," (you know, the one that goes "Zip-a-dee-ay and heigh-dee-ho, there's something we can do..."), and then "Happy, Happy Birthday Mosey Dear!" before finally giving up and instead playing "Imperial March" on Rhapsody.  :-)
He had Lucky Charms for his special birthday breakfast, which he generously shared with his brothers.

Joseph and Brigham did his morning chore for him, and I was pretty easy on him as far as schoolwork went. Joseph helped him put together his worm farm that he got from a friend at his birthday party, filling it with dirt from the backyard, and the night crawler worms we got at Walmart yesterday. We went to Burger King for lunch on our way downtown to drop off Brigham's bow to get re-haired at a violin shop.  Then it was home, math homework, and then he was free for the afternoon!  He chose breakfast for dinner, so when Ben got home we had french toast (with blueberry pie filling as a topping) and bacon. 
After dinner, it was time for presents!  He got 3 new webkinz (2 from his family, one from Grandma Jackee), a stuffed animal lion (also from Grandma Jackee), a game (Quirkle), a fun little toy called a Perplexus (a large round transparent ball with a bunch of little plastic tracks that you have to navigate a little metal ball around), and a Hexbug Hive.  The Webkinz and Hexbug Hive were the big hits, and he immediately got out all his Hexbugs and spread everything out on the living room floor to put the hive together.  Unfortunately Sandy is pretty sure all Hexbugs are vermin that she must protect her masters from, so she had to go outside while Mosey was putting it together.  :-)
Ben had to do Elders Quorum visits tonight, and we waited as long as we could, but finally it was getting late, so we went ahead and did pie and candles without him.  Instead of a birthday cake, Mosey had asked for apple pie.  His wish was my command.  I do make a killer apple pie.  :-)
Joseph lit the 8 candles on Mosey's pie.

Then more playing and finally his mean mom made him put the toys away and go to bed.  My baby is EIGHT!!!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I can't believe he is eight. What a big birthday!