Monday, January 09, 2012

Birthday party!

Mosey had a birthday party this last weekend! It was a super last-minute affair. I hadn't planned on a party because Mosey's getting baptized next weekend and his grandparents will be in town. But when Mosey asked if he could have a party last Wednesday, I thought, why not? So I sent out some evites, made some mini cheesecakes (these are easier than cupcakes!), bought fruit and chips and capri sun drinks, and picked up pizza on the way to the park. I planned exactly zero activities or games or crafts. This was a purely "play at the park party" and it was awesome. I got to spend 2 hours talking to adults, and when it was over, Mosey said, "That was the best party I ever had!" Winner!

He got some nice presents, even though I said, "No presents necessary!!"  People are nice. 

 Eight IS great!  Every birthday is distressing to me as my baby gets older, but I have a feeling he's going to love being eight.


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