Monday, January 09, 2012

Goodbye seven, hello eight!

Tomorrow is my Mosey's birthday.  Eight years old! 
He is lobbying hard for half-lessons on his birthday, but I'm a mean old mom and I'm making him do school anyway.  I'll try to make it fun, though.  :-)
So today was his last day of being seven years old!  This last year for Moses saw the loss of a multitude of teeth, and the growing in of a multitude of teeth.  He became expert in riding his two-wheeler and playing Tanki Online (much to my chagrin).  I've loved seeing how sweet he's become with little kids, especially babies.  He is imaginative and a boy who LOVES to play.  His favorite things are legos, hexbugs, webkinz, computers, and any electronic gizmo he can find.  He loves reading, too, and often stays up really late (like his mom) reading.  If you ask him, he'll retell in exquisite detail the plots of his current reads.  He's a smartypants and smart alec (at times).  He loves to read Highlights Magazine and The Friend.  He's also mastered the art of door-slamming, and shoe-losing.  :-) He is still my giggler, and loves to lay on my lap and be a "drum" while I pound on his back in different rhythms.  He loves to get cherry icees at Burger King for a treat after speech therapy, or really any time at all.  Maybe that is why he is so sweet.
I love you Mosey!

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