Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy 37th, Ben!!

Happy Birthday, Ben!
Wow, can he really be 37?!  Seems like it was just last year that he was turning 27.  The twins were only 4 months old.  I remember we spent Christmas in California that year.  Maybe we were driving back to Utah on his birthday?  It's funny to think about all the changes in our lives over the past 10 years.
What's weirder is to think that in 10 more years he'll be turning 47, and we'll be about 8 months away from being empty-nesters.  OK, I'm going to banish that thought immediately.  Because my kids are never going to grow up and leave me.  Right?
I'm afraid it wasn't much of a birthday for Ben.  He worked late, then went straight to an Elders Quorum meeting, and then back home for a late dinner.  He wasn't feeling very well, so I'm not sure he enjoyed it too much.  The boys and I had come home late from the library than I had anticipated, and so the peach cobbler I made for his birthday was also late and had JUST come out of the oven and was too hot to eat by the time it really was time for us to light candles, sing, and send boys to bed.  So we pulled out the leftover cheesecake that one of his employees gave him at lunch, stuck some assorted half-burned candles (am I really so cheap that I save half-burned candles?  Yes, I am), sang a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday," and snapped the obligatory birthday picture. 
It's also Ben's twin sister's birthday!  (Imagine that!)  Maybe she had a bit more celebrating going on at her house.  Happy Birthday, Angee!
Anyway, I am so lucky to have Ben in my life.  He is smart and funny and good and honest and such a good daddy, and he takes such good care of me.  I'm not the easiest person in the world to live with (I should know, I have to live with me, too), but he seems to like me anyway.  Weird.  :-)
I love you Ben!

1 comment:

StrykerLOVE said...

Happy B-day to Ben. And thank you for the christmas card! I loved it and I could tell you spent tons of time on it!!