Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday's three things

1.  Is sweeping and mopping the floor at 1:00 AM on a Sunday morning breaking the Sabbath?  I suspect it might be.   I have some repenting to do.  The problem is that I cannot be peaceful and relaxed when the house is a mess.  And I was working ALL DAY yesterday at one thing or another (laundry, errands, finally getting to some mending), and didn't get back from the grocery store until 11:30 PM (at least I wasn't grocery shopping on the Sabbath).  By the time I got the groceries put away and the living room picked up, it was almost 1:00 AM.

2.  My boys are getting into the X-files.  A year and a half ago or so I bought a season of X-files on Amazon (using their instant player so I didn't have to actually download all of them).  They were really too scary for the boys at that point, but this weekend they started watching a couple of them and now I think they're hooked.  Watching X-files on Sunday night used to be almost a ritual of mine.  :-)

3.  I made a good dinner for the boys and Ben tonight-- a chicken pasta casserole.  I'm not sure it completely absolves me of the criminal lineup of dinners last week (after the fish sticks on Wednesday, I couldn't break my streak, and finished the week out with Taco Bell on Thursday night, frozen pizza on Friday night, and peanut butter sandwiches on Saturday night), but at least now I have leftovers for next week which ensures me at least ONE good dinner for the coming week.  I'm so lucky to have un-picky, undemanding children and husband.

4.  At 8:30 PM I informed the boys that it was time to start getting ready for bed.  A minute later I looked over to see Joseph sitting at the table, tears falling down his cheeks.  Those kind of silent tears of sadness are like a fist clenching around my heart. I finally figured out that he was sad because we hadn't really done anything fun as a family that afternoon (X-file episode notwithstanding).  Ben had Elders Quorum duties, and I took a nap (see item number 1 for the reason why), then I made dinner, my visiting teachers came, and then it was time for bed.  Well, I'm not having a child of mine go to bed crying because we didn't do anything fun as a family!  So he and I played a rousing game of Qwirkle-- this is a fun game!  I think we've found a winner for our family.  The boys stayed up an hour past their bedtime, but it was worth it.

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