Wednesday, January 04, 2012

good dog

The boys are loving their new dog.  So am I, actually.  She is a very good dog.  And she hardly sheds!  I know it's winter, and come summer and shedding season, I may be eating my words, but at least for now, the hair is totally manageable.  Yay for that!
One of her favorite things to do (at least, according to her enthusiasm level) is to jump on the trampoline with the boys.  It's quite a sight.
Sandy has soft fun-to-play-with ears.  And she's very patient.  :-)

This is what the boys do during "recess" at our house.  Awesome!

Today was a pretty decent day.
First of all, I am loving this weather.  Yes, I know we could use about 2 months of solid rain, but still, I can handle this 70 degree thing we've got going on.  After being trapped inside or in my air-conditioned van all summer long, it's like paradise. 
The boys were exceptionally cooperative in their schoolwork today.  Starting this new year I'm getting them up half an hour earlier (6:30) so we can get one round of practicing done before breakfast.  Otherwise I'm finishing practicing with them up until bedtime.  As it was, I just finished doing flute with Joseph because he spent 6:30-7:00 on the couch trying to wake up.  :-)  But it's better than trying to finish off 2 or 3 practice sessions right before bed.
I'm still plugging along in my lifetime quest of getting my life more organized.  I'm not there yet, but I guess I keep trying.  I'm also trying really hard this year to get 7 hours of sleep.  So far I've gotten closer than I usually do (6 hours and 6.5 hours respectively), so I guess that's progress?  If I only had 2 more hours in the day, I would be totally on top of everything!  :-)
It's 9:17, the boys are finally in bed, I've got the dinner table to clear off, dishes to do, 3 loads of laundry to fold, and 3 lizards to feed before I need to be in bed by 11:00.  Think I can do it?  Well, I better get to it!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Gabby - I'm so proud of your goal to get more sleep. Did you take my challenge to heart? I'm working on getting more sleep too. Even though I had a ton of stuff to do last night at 9:30, I just turned off, wound down and was out by 10:30pm. A miracle!