Monday, January 30, 2012

Three things from Saturday

1.  Joseph went to his first archery lesson Saturday morning.  He really liked it and did very well for his first lesson.  It starts at 8:00 AM, and you need to get there by 7:45 AM, so with morning church, that means I won't get a single day to sleep in all week.  :-) 

2.  I got my new phone activated Saturday morning.  Mosey has since figured out the whole thing and has played about 4 hours of games on it.  Strict rules will be enforced starting Monday.  :-)

3.  I did laundry.  Lots of laundry.  Why do my boys not bring their laundry down until they each have at least 2 loads full??  Ah well, what else was I going to do with my day?  :-)

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