Monday, January 02, 2012

New Year's Eve Gingerbread Demolition

And it's time again for the annual Turner boy Gingerbread House Demolition!
Here come the barbarians.  Look how sweet and... *intact* our little house is!  Not for much longer.
The implements of destruction have been made ready!
 Behold the meat tenderizer!

 The ice cream scoop!  The slotted spoon!

 The gravy spoon!  The rolling pin!

And most feared of all-- the garlic press!

In the hands of these dastardly dudes, no gingerbread house is safe.
 Beware of Joseph the Jerk!

 He's hard at work wreaking havoc on the house.

 On the other side of the table, it's Brigham the Brute!  He may look gentle, but look at the rubble in front of him!
 "There will be nothing but DUST by the time I'm done with this house!"

 And finally, Mosey the Marauder!

 Not even the candy cane door posts are safe from him.

He's plotting his next evil move.

They left no candy untouched, no wall unbroken.  What Mosey could not destroy, he ate!

If you know what's good for you, you will keep your Gingerbread house far, far away from the likes of these villains.
In the end, the barbarians brought in the rest of the axis powers for the final humiliating defeat of the Gingerbread house.

Sadly, here lies the only evidence of what used to be our Gingerbread  house.

Farewell, poor little Gingerbread House.

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