Monday, November 03, 2008

I REALLY need 3 more hours... a day.
I mean, really. Doesn't 27 just sound like a good round number for a day? And, I need those three hours to be when my kids are sleeping, if you don't mind.
So here's how today went. I just don't know how to squeeze more out of it!
7:00: AM wake up, shower, dress, get ready for the day. Yes, I can sleep in until 7:00. The beauty of homeschooling.
7:30-8:30: Get kids up, dressed, breakfasted, and family scripture study.
8:30-9:00: Clean up kitchen, get Mosey's lunch packed for preschool, get the boys to pick up the playroom in anticipation of the cleaners coming today, take Mosey to preschool.
9:15: Get home from taking Mosey to preschool, start school lessons.
12:30: Finish lessons, make lunch for Joseph and Brigham.
1:00: Go get Mosey from preschool.
1:20-2:15: Grocery shopping (how does a run to the store for ONE BULB of garlic turn into a nearly hour-long shopping excursion? Oh, yeah. Three little boys came with me.)
2:30-3:30: Dinner prep. I made a 15 bean soup. I had the beans cooking in the crockpot, but I needed to sautee the onions and garlic, and then blend them up (because Joseph hates the texture of onions and won't eat ANYTHING with any visible onions), and then cook the sausage that goes in it. Took me longer than I wanted. My walking stinks, and I can't stand up for too long at a time, so everything takes me longer.
3:30-4:00: Do a little project with Mosey, who has had NO mom time all day. We made a collar out of construction paper and pipe cleaners for his webkinz.
4:00-5:30: Piano practice with Brigham and Joseph. Ideally it shouldn't take this long, but it usually does. Today 10 minutes was spent searching for a lost piano book. Often much time is wasted by a certain someone who doesn't want to crack down and just get it done. But honestly, the boys do have a lot to practice. They are getting ready for a Christmas recital, and the pieces (2 each) are VERY challenging for the boys. Two hands together, reading music. Very challenging for these new beginners.
5:30-6:30: Work on stuff for my church calling. I'm the new Relief Society secretary, and there's a lot for me to do to figure out what I'm doing.
6:30-7:00: Make biscuits, get table cleared and set for dinner, boss the kids around to get them to pick up toys and everything that has ended up on the floor during the course of the afternoon.
7:00-7:30: Dinner with boys (Ben had to work late tonight).
7:30-8:15: Family Home Evening with the boys.
8:15-8:30: Ben got home, so the boys got 15 minutes of Ben time and I researched root canals to explain to the boys (Ben had one done this morning, hence his need to work late). Maybe not the best use of 15 minutes, but it was interesting anyway, and motivated the boys to BRUSH THEIR TEETH.
8:30-9:15: Get boys in bed. Lay in bed next to Mosey and do personal scripture study. Mosey is in a really bad place right now in terms of getting to sleep on his own. Basically, he won't do it at all.
9:15-10:30: Respond to email, blog a little, and do more research on the next math curriculum I am going to try with the boys, try in vain to locate a lighted soccer field for practice, which is really important now that the time has changed.
10:30-11:00: Get dinner stuff put away, dishwasher unloaded then loaded again, counters and table wiped down. Again, my walking stinks and everything takes me a long time.

Now, it is way past my bed time. Notice what did NOT get done today? Laundry (have 3 loads that need to get folded and put away, and another 3 loads to get done), bills (have some medical bills that I need to work through with our insurance, which requires me calling during business hours), editing and emailing of the Halloween pictures I took for our ward Trunk-or-Treat more than a week ago, editing of my poor sister's wedding pictures, which I desperately want to do, but haven't found the time yet, having even one meaningful conversation with my husband.

AAAAHHHH. See now why I need 3 more hours in the day?

1 comment:

Jill T said...

27 hours sounds good to me. I could definitely use them too. But I must say Gabrielle, you pack in so much, it's really impressive!