Sunday, November 23, 2008

Closet Republican

So this is what I found on my computer when I got up Friday morning.
Please, click on it to see it bigger, you really must.
Mosey is a very funny child, that's all I can say.
He somehow navigated to this page all by himself, and filled in all the boxes himself, too. He even filled out the Visa card number (not the right number, thank goodness).
Too bad the National Republican Trust has a $5,000 limit, because Mosey was all set to donate almost $79 trillion!


Caroline said...

Wow Gaby! You have over 8,000 messages in your inbox :) (also on that pic!)

Hope you're doing well. Have a happy turkey day


Gabrielle said...

Ha! You're right. I'm totally lazy about keeping up with my gmail account. Those are the unread messages which I haven't bothered to delete.

Unknown said...

This made me laugh out loud. Hey, when did Mosey learn how to type? That's pretty impressive!

Lonna said...

I am positive that my kids wouldn't be able to fill out a form on the computer that complete and accurate. What a clever kid.