Monday, November 10, 2008

cough cough cough

Ya know? I really dislike being sick.
I finally caught my first cold after the transplant.
It's miserable, but it's also made me glad I'm homeschooling, because otherwise I know I would be catching one after another of these blasted viruses all winter long.
This cold is making me hate MS all the more (didn't know I could hate it more) because I don't have the abdominal strength to cough all the gunk out of my lungs. I know, lovely.
Someday, in the eternities, I'll be able to walk, run, and cough!
I wonder how unhealthy it is that I daydream about dying several times a day. I don't exactly want to die, but I guess I have to die to someday be resurrected to a perfect body. It sure will be nice to have one that actually works.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I've thought about that too on days when I'm feeling extra broken.