Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Never thought I'd see the day...

Wanna know why this is so awesome?

Because of this:

Yep, I can now fill up my van for less than $50. I think a road trip is in our future.
Can anyone boast of gas cheaper than this? Guess you'll all have to move to Texas.
(and how big of a dork am I for bringing my camera to the gas station?)


*MARY* said...

Wow! That's definitely a reason to smile.

Kelly said...

I know! Who would have thought we'd see these prices again after paying nearly $4 a gallon. Let's hope it lasts.

StrykerLOVE said...

yes you are a big photo nerd bringing your camera even to the gas station! (but worth it right tease us people buying gas in the 4th highest price state!)

Rosalynde said...

Yup,I saw $1.82 here today. I'm pretty sure our gas is the cheapest in the nation.

Good time for us to be upsizing our car, I guess!